
you CAN achieve your dreams!

Yeah, I do love Dakota.
 Dollface and I got a little sloppy on Sunday night. At first we were like "look at all the babes here" and then we realized they were all frat boys (what was with that?) slash terribly creepy.
This one really big and tall guy was getting in DF's grill so badly and I was laughing and laughing and he wouldn't let up. Apparently he's the creator of those (awful) monkey sock hat things? something like that. He kept telling her that she could achieve her dream!!
Anyway, it got to the point where I thought some of the tiny frat boys were going to intervene. I think they didn't because I was laughing so hard. Classic.



it got a bit messy. We ended up leaving half finished beers. Who even does that??
And we didn't go to Lakeview like we'd been planning (probably for the best).



I have less and less patience for sexism. Work was annoying in several ways last night especially since I was not feeling well. But it was also fine. I'm working six days this week. Not cool.
Also maybe six days next week. Also I think I signed up for shifts 10 days in a row. That'd serve me right, eh?

The Beauties are all still single-cuffing their pants. In case you were wondering.


My stomach is going gurgle gurgle gurgle gurgle like maybe it was a bad idea to eat almost that entire package of cheesy broccoli rice last night and then chase it with several beers.
Or maybe it was a good idea? Who can tell!

Anyway, the sun is out again and I'm going to brunch and then maybe to catch up with an old friend!
it's been about two weeks since I've had brunch I think. I can't even believe it.
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