
hashbrowns with mushrooms and mozzarella


I never thought I'd end up as the kind of person who wears make-up everyday. But I am now. I really am.
I feel strange without mascara, like I look like a kid or an awkward bunny. Haha, I don't know.


Even these photos are carefully selected to make me look better than I generally look without mascara. And I'm wearing lipgloss. I fail at being the hippie I really aspire to be.



Blog girl episode of House this week, pretty funny actually. Also a decent interpretation.

You ever notice that on TV shows they always make vegetarians out to be wrong or bad or annoying? Like on 18 to Life where the daughter and the dad have to secretly eat their meat-sticks out in the garage away from the crazy hippie mum?
Anyway, I was alright with this character on House being vegetarian because it was just another thing about her, not the biggest issue or what was killing her, etc.

Also I liked the character's theory about how you shouldn't do anything you were embarrassed of so that anyone could write whatever they like about you and it wouldn't be no big deal.
yeah it was a rational depiction of over-sharing bloggers, I think.



too much black does make me look sallow, thanks mum for telling me that in grade 7 I still think about that when I wear black. ahahaaaaa even good parents are the best at warping us.

did I post these cat photos already? ha, like you'd even notice! like it'd matter...
"ultimate baby name guide" is for naming characters, I swear I'm not constantly planning for my future-children (or future tiny-sidekicks as I like to call them)

Well, despite how I managed to get nothing done today I feel a bit accomplished because of what a good mood I'm in and plus I've been doing the dishes as I'm going so the house still feels a bit tidy and like I could do something creative at any moment (won't though!!!!!!!!)


Went and met Mrs. at the linux cafe on Harbord and we sat in the big chairs in the sun and fucking soaked it up, ya know what I mean?? Also that little cafe has food, who knew?
JL came by and sat with us and then Mrs. left and JL and I went over the Sam James coffee bar (which is just lovely, by the way, the decor is so appealing) where there was a mini art project thing going on and man, I'm just in a good mood right now.


haha good thing I've got to go to work now to spoil it! Also I will spend my shift preparing for my sweet story-telling adventure tonight.... Cloak and Dagger -- I will give you a kiss on the face if you come (or not, if that's your preference!)
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