
I'm not rude just because you have stuff in your beard

Today I made JL take me out to brunch because he OWES me big time because I went over last week and made his whole resume and cover letter and you know what? making resumes isn't the funnest.

He still owes me but this is a start.

me: you have something in your beard
jl: what is it?
me: I don't know probably toothpaste... or jizz. which have you had in your mouth lately, a toothbrush or a cock?
jl: what's the difference?
me: bit of a girth difference
jl: what kind of toothbrush are you using?

I feel like I'm getting more sensitive to/cautious of rude/offensive things as I get older. I never thought this would happen! Young-me is terribly disappointed in rapidly-aging-me.
 Learn how to take a joke, old lady!
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