

Okay so my jaw has been fucked up for a few weeks now. This is probably not good. Well, I mean, I know it is not good because I can't fully open or close my mouth and it hurts a lot. I don't think it's my wisdom teeth, but who knows. Maybe it is but I sure hope not because I can't afford that shit.

Insert very obvious fellatio jokes here.

But then bear in mind that I am on a babe-break.
Maybe I grind my teeth in the night. I shouldn't do that if it hurts me.

sometimes I forget how small they are!

Speaking of babe-breaks, I don't think you dudes are giving me enough credit here. I am doing Good Work. I am maturing. I am becoming a Responsible Adult. I am making good decisions, not only for myself, but trying to be careful of other people.

I'm the luckiest girl!


So I've been on this break, for about two months. With one minor slip-up (which actually sort of resolved some things for me, so it's kind of okay. Kind of.).

Oh and I went on a sort-of-date last weekend, but even then, I didn't push things, I didn't try to see what I could get away with, I didn't try to get attention and make him care about me. That much.
And when I realized it really wouldn't work, I told him that's what I was thinking.

(Side bar: making constant vegetarian jokes at vegetarians is kind of a boner-killer)

It's been good though. I've turned down recycling opportunities with people who have never done me any good. And I've not gone to situations where I knew I would cause drama. I've only sent one drunken text message that I've regretted. I've felt horrendously guilty about things (instead of mildly worried).
And I've gotten rid of any sort of back-up plan or thoughts of still wanting people I've already known.

I've also become annoyingly self-righteous and short-tempered with other people's behaviour. Which is less than appealing. Maybe I'll strike a balance.

I have little doubt I will go right back into past patterns, but it's still been alright. This siesta.

I'm eying up babes again! I love babes!
I love crushes and it's especially good if your crushes are predictable and go to the same places a lot...

In line last night our friend came outside to visit us and she said "The babes, the babes! Just wait til you see all the babes down there!"


Here are some pictures from Saturday's Sweet Thing's show!
sweet thing
sweet thing
sweet thing
sweet thing
sweet thing
sweet thing
sweet thing
sweet thing
sweet thing
sweet thing
sweet thing
sweet thing
sweet thing
sweet thing
sweet thing
they gave out tambourines!
sweet thing
sweet thing

Now I have to go for retraining at Skydome! Can you feel my excitement!?

Please please do not let me go.

Oh, speaking of which: my favourite Beauties moment at Dakota last night (besides the complete messiness of the entire evening) was them playing Ryan Adam's To Be Young.
So great.
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