i got the shakes in my thighbones
Fuck, I love Man Stroke Woman. It's the best sketch show. And this is basically what happened at my house last night!
Niki dropped an open bottle of really fine martha stewart glitter on my (carpeted) floor and then our new friend immediately rolled in it and then Niki rolled in it and then we put it all over our faces and bodies and necks and took ourselves out on the town to the horseshoe tavern.
Yeah 1:30 a.m. and we show up for the beauties' record release all drunk and glittery.
No, only most of the time.
I've been out so much lately that now it feels super strange to be at home by myself and working on projects. Good weird.
Life has been very fun lately and we are all super buzzed on the hot weather and on summer clothes and on drinking in the park and on biking around at top speed and on pushing to see where we can get this party to.
Though last night me and Ruth got into an unfortunate episode which ended in me having the most extreme cat bites/scratches on my leg. I almost don't want to post pictures of it because it's so gross, but maybe I'll take some tomorrow.
Impressively terrible.
I considered going to the hospital tonight as I think the puncture wounds are possibly getting slightly infected, but I'm going to hold off and go to the clinic tomorrow. Yay!
Ugh, it hurts a lot.
First rehearsal tonight for a short we're planning on shooting in a couple of weeks. Exciting timez! I'm pretty excited because I get to play someone very fun and funny and I have never really had a chance to do that on film and it's kind of up-my-alley.
Also I'm getting to help write/create this one and I loooove that.
You know what else I love? Bellwoods. It's basically our second home right now and the people coming-and-going and the sun and the breeze and good people and freezies and jokes and everything. Man!
Also, Shambers and his twinsie/bff, Lols, have taken to walking their fixed-gear bikes around Bellwoods in matching hipster/douchey outfits tanning their muscles and smoothing their hairs and scoping babes and they are becoming totally notorious already and by the end of the summer they will have their own TV show I bet. TV show called Douche Patrol.
Apparently rumors have already started including that Lols is a "professional polo player"!
Amazing in so many ways.
I love Shambers.
More updates on their patrol later I bet!
Okay I've gotta get to work on more projects while the mood has struck except I should also clean up this dammit house because I always just come home, make a quick mess, and then leave again. Plus this week is stupid-busy and fun.
Please remind me to carve out alone-time. My aunt posted a link to this article on how solitude is the most important for creativity. I fully agree. Also the article goes on to say that being social and living life up is second most important.
It's finding the balance that is where it gets tricky. Especially if you are lucky like me and know the bestfunnest people in the world.
quotables and notables (this is all going in the TV show don't deny)
"I had a dream that I was a lioness and I was in charge of taking care of two mentally challenged cubs"
"I had a dream my number one crush was a sexy doctor with many sexy brothers who were beardy-longhairs and I had stomach cancer and they wanted to take care of me at their house. I think my stomach hurt in my sleep."
It's ladies night at the Mistletoe household!
Two of the prettiest ladies I know and I are going to have vodka lemonade and martinis and annoy the cat at my place! Life is grand and we are all so lucky/cursed to be in the middle of all this. Yeah? Yeah!
"Don't these stairs know how often we ride our bikes!?!?"
-Raymi to me on the too-many stairs at Paupers last night
"I had a dream my number one crush was a sexy doctor with many sexy brothers who were beardy-longhairs and I had stomach cancer and they wanted to take care of me at their house. I think my stomach hurt in my sleep."
It's ladies night at the Mistletoe household!
Two of the prettiest ladies I know and I are going to have vodka lemonade and martinis and annoy the cat at my place! Life is grand and we are all so lucky/cursed to be in the middle of all this. Yeah? Yeah!
"Don't these stairs know how often we ride our bikes!?!?"
-Raymi to me on the too-many stairs at Paupers last night
It's not the relationship I miss, it's the certainty I felt.
I miss not questioning my feelings, not looking around. Yes, the certainty.
That's a rare place for me to be and I'm not awesome at liking only one person at one time and I'm not the best at trying and at putting in effort. I'm the worst at relationships and I feel kind of surprised when I end up in one.
The problem with online lives and blogs (ugh that word has started to grate on my nerves like it's hard to explain) is that you only get half the story. I've been working very hard at being a proper respectful human and careful and care-taking and part of that is not telling other people's business on here. I'm not doing too bad, in that regard.
But that means I'm not telling it all, I'm not being fully honest.
I'm a bit envious of Tony who tells you constantly that his blog is a work of fiction, allowing him to say whatever he'd like.
So. For a good portion of this last year I was in a sort-of-relationship, as close as it gets when you are me, I guess.
In the end, I'm not clear on what made me sure I was getting off so easy (ha, I know), I felt sad briefly and then moved on to being buds and other babes. I was surprised at how easy it was.
It's lately, the other drama that's making me sad for what's lost. Not that that relationship was proper or functional... but in it I wasn't the same as I always I am.
I wasn't the same old trainwreck who is always scoping, who is always multi-tasking, who is always interested in people who aren't the best.
No, that sounds bad. I love being me, so much. I love how I am, I'm hilarious about babes and am good at being single, and you know I only do things to have an awesome story to tell and you know how much I love to tell that story (if you know me in real life, I guess).
No one tells you when you're little that you'll get involved in someone's life and spend all this time and effort caring about them and knowing about them and getting used to them and then one day, you'll just be two strangers again.
You make this one friendship a priority and you meet their friends and settle into their lives and bring them into yours and give up alone time and change things and alter things and consider things you normally wouldn't and carefully listen to their songs and learn how to hold their hand just right and learn how to sleep at night beside their long legs and how to relax in the scent of them
and then all of a sudden it's nothing. It's like it's never been
I've calmed down a whole bunch in the past year. And maybe I don't do my over-calm-patronizing voice as much as in the past, and maybe I don't cause shit for no reason and maybe I manage to not be such a douchebag to people who don't deserve it who I'm just trying to get attention out of (shut-up like you have never done that!).
Talking to my friend the other night, she suggested internet dating. Which is appealing, in a way (mostly the scoping babes part), but I don't want a relationship. I don't want to be in a relationship. I have no interest in relationshiping, especially for relationship's sake. No interest in being with a babe who isn't the best ever.
Fine, making out, fine. Affection/attention, I want that.
I get off a bit on the potential of things (although less and less and less so these days like I can't even tell you), but the bottom line is that I have patience for the time/effort it takes to hang out with someone who isn't for the best.
I have no patience for anyone who I am able to not be with (grammatically awkward, but do you know what I mean?).
Plus, the babe-of-my-life has too much on the go for dating websites, he is creating and making and living and not worrying about it because we'll cross paths like we're supposed to.
And I need to fully remember to keep that in mind for myself. I am haphaphappiest when I am creating and making and living and not worrying about it.
Oh, it's hard in this society.
It's hard the pressure everyone puts on relationships and love and PARTNERSHIPS AND YOU ARE NO ONE UNTIL SOMEONE LOVES YOU.
And, especially, being a 26 year-old single lady who has never been in (a real-time, partnership) love and has never held anything down. It's tough for this guy.
And people are condescending/incredulous about it and I myself don't know what to make of it
and I worry because I have a single mother and no father and no relationship pattern to base my life on or shoot for or picture me in.
And I picture myself alone, when I imagine my life I imagine me on my own (strong and certain, though) and tiny children for side-kicks.
Which sounds lovely. But, still.
Also, I feel like it's hard to get to the point where we interact like humans. Human to human not "I-have-decided-this-about-you" and "you-have-this-role-in-my-mind-just-try-to-get-out-of-it", not assumptions and not powerplays, but rather "I am this human and you know me".
Hard to get to!
Which is possibly part of why people frequently break up a time or two before settling down together.
Have to get to the point where you are both fully-realized humans who are relating based on reality not based on preconceived notions/how we think we should/could act.
So... That's what I'm thinking about. This is as honest as it can get up in here.
I'm surprised at how worried I am about writing this when it doesn't really say anything of the specifics.
I feel sad, and hopeful, and glad, and just that little touch of heart-broken. In a rational, obvious sort of way.
Because it's okay that I miss him.
Yes yes I have more photos to post, including pictures of people who are not me in situations with no mirrors and I will do that soon enough, but I just needed something to put in this overhonest post.
please carrie me away
So random!
Gage posted this video and I don't usually listen to/watch videos posted in blogs (is that weird?), anyway, but so this song in this video is something that my mum used to sing to me when I was small and I found it to be hysterically funny and I sang it all through elementary school and high-school (where I was known for being obnoxious and nutso so it was totally fitting).
But I had never actually heard the song until just now. Funny!
Yeah, I'm alive, I'm around. I'm planning on a better entry for you momentarily.
I can't seem to stop going out on the town, I can't seem to stop socializing, I can't seem to stop my brain from yelling,
and so I haven't really been around to do much blogging but I have been taking a billion photos (camera is mostly working again!) so, soon, hopefully!
I do kinda want to see this. Haha, though there's a couple moments in the trailer even which showcase why I get super annoyed by a couple of members of that gang.
I still find it all a bit appealing...
Oh yeah, went to see this last night with Raymi (thanks for taking me!!!) and we got gift bags plus I won another huge giftbag from jumping up and shouting the answer to the trivia.
Giftbag filled FILLED up with Nair products and Trojan condoms.
I cannot even tell you how little interest I have in hair removal. Who wants some Nair???
The answer that I shouted out was "Postage stamps", I feel like you could guess the question just by knowing that answer if you were a superfan.
I'm not even a superfan, but I did watch most of the series.
Was the movie good?
Was it slightly enjoyable? Sure.
It was also offensively bad in some ways especially in the way that it pretends to be a bit feminist but really it's quite the opposite. Plus the heart-string tugging is brutal. Plus if Carrie sighed around any more then she'd probably pass out from not breathing properly.
I reenacted one of the climactic (notthatway) scenes for Accost in the park at 1 in the morning last night.
She said it was better than seeing the movie, so if you want just ask me and I'll tell you the whole show.
Does anyone else find the fact that Big has a name a little weird? Especially since it's "John"?
Also, the show was good (or at least started out good). Good in a way that is completely missing from both movies.
Oh yeah, also I watched the first movie yesterday afternoon because I hadn't seen it and I wanted to be in the loop for the screening.
Okay who wants to try out this multi-pack of condoms I got??
white bike gang
you make it easy to keep up beside you on my
junk-store bicycle
match your pace to mine
and check back to make sure I'm there just
behind you
white bikes under streetlights
Yard party at the Mrs's last night.
I was in exactly the right kind of mood for that party. Ahh so nice when it matches up like that.
I love yard parties because the price is right and the company is right and the atmosphere is like a patio only nicer and it's like a house party only better.
Into the mix of lots of people I already know plus a bunch of people who are probably great because they were invited over.
Not like a bar where you gotta assume (if you hate everyone, like I do) that most people are asshats.
Mrs bought gluten-free veggie burgers with me in mind.
I know, right?
My social life/arts life was changed 4 years ago when I met this crew.
I had an audition for a Ryerson short film which I ended up blowing off twice and then being late for. Then I was super awkward at the audition then I climbed over the desks on my way out instead of going around (I don't know why!) and almost fell over/broke things then said to the boys,
"I almost broke your school"
For some reason (pure sex appeal, I assume) I still got the part in this short.
The filming of that lead to meeting more people from that year at Ryerson, people including Mrs, Norman Yeung, the friends that made A Small Thing, and many others.
In the film I wore pajamas and no make-up. It was a quieter kind of a role and I was in the middle of a bunch of people I didn't know so I was a bit shy and not overly-friendly. Norman Yeung told me later that he thought I was a big geek (still true) and was surprised when I came out partying with them afterwards. He knew nothing of my party-all-the-time ways yet.
Mrs super-befriended me by making me come out with them, plus buying me drinks because I was beyond broke in that time period. Plus Mrs is very funny so her awkward humour was something I could get behind.
That summer is sort of legendary in our minds, I think. Some things were just beyond fun and the gang was new and fresh and fun and a lot of us were single or single-ish, under-employed, and ready to stay out until dawn.
Plus many of us had white bikes and a strong desire to go to New Ho King for cold tea at 3 a.m.
we admire our own persistence
chugging through sidestreets
on breaking-down bicycles
late night and we would never, ever be
too much to see + to do
too much to see-through
we can't know how this night will end
and so we can't go home yet
we have to push though
And although I do think we romanticize it, I think it was romantic.
We had a time.
It was nice to sit around last night and pat ourselves on the back about how much we like each other and each other's projects and arts.
There is basically nothing more rewarding than loved and praised by the people you have the most respect and admiration for.
"But then Norman called at like 1am and he was like "Meredith, I'm coming to pick you up on my bike and ride you doubles the party is just getting started where do you live?" it was great. How can I say no to that?"
-from my Diaryland May 24th 2006
I keep finding out that more and more people who I think are great are reading this blog and appreciating it.
I'm so appreciative of anyone appreciating it.
(poems are from my zine, Et Puis #2, ha, remember when I used to make those? photos are from that summer.)
junk-store bicycle
match your pace to mine
and check back to make sure I'm there just
behind you
white bikes under streetlights
Yard party at the Mrs's last night.
I was in exactly the right kind of mood for that party. Ahh so nice when it matches up like that.
I love yard parties because the price is right and the company is right and the atmosphere is like a patio only nicer and it's like a house party only better.
Into the mix of lots of people I already know plus a bunch of people who are probably great because they were invited over.
Not like a bar where you gotta assume (if you hate everyone, like I do) that most people are asshats.
Mrs bought gluten-free veggie burgers with me in mind.
I know, right?
My social life/arts life was changed 4 years ago when I met this crew.
I had an audition for a Ryerson short film which I ended up blowing off twice and then being late for. Then I was super awkward at the audition then I climbed over the desks on my way out instead of going around (I don't know why!) and almost fell over/broke things then said to the boys,
"I almost broke your school"
For some reason (pure sex appeal, I assume) I still got the part in this short.
The filming of that lead to meeting more people from that year at Ryerson, people including Mrs, Norman Yeung, the friends that made A Small Thing, and many others.
In the film I wore pajamas and no make-up. It was a quieter kind of a role and I was in the middle of a bunch of people I didn't know so I was a bit shy and not overly-friendly. Norman Yeung told me later that he thought I was a big geek (still true) and was surprised when I came out partying with them afterwards. He knew nothing of my party-all-the-time ways yet.
Mrs super-befriended me by making me come out with them, plus buying me drinks because I was beyond broke in that time period. Plus Mrs is very funny so her awkward humour was something I could get behind.
That summer is sort of legendary in our minds, I think. Some things were just beyond fun and the gang was new and fresh and fun and a lot of us were single or single-ish, under-employed, and ready to stay out until dawn.
Plus many of us had white bikes and a strong desire to go to New Ho King for cold tea at 3 a.m.
we admire our own persistence
chugging through sidestreets
on breaking-down bicycles
late night and we would never, ever be
too much to see + to do
too much to see-through
we can't know how this night will end
and so we can't go home yet
we have to push though
And although I do think we romanticize it, I think it was romantic.
We had a time.
It was nice to sit around last night and pat ourselves on the back about how much we like each other and each other's projects and arts.
There is basically nothing more rewarding than loved and praised by the people you have the most respect and admiration for.
"But then Norman called at like 1am and he was like "Meredith, I'm coming to pick you up on my bike and ride you doubles the party is just getting started where do you live?" it was great. How can I say no to that?"
-from my Diaryland May 24th 2006
I keep finding out that more and more people who I think are great are reading this blog and appreciating it.
I'm so appreciative of anyone appreciating it.
(poems are from my zine, Et Puis #2, ha, remember when I used to make those? photos are from that summer.)
stay for awhile while our leaves are still green
me: are you going to the park later ?
Cheespie: ughhh i have to go to help my dad buy pants after work
me: haha
who wears the pants in your relationship??
hopefully your dad after today
Cheespie: not that you'd know what that's like
I have been trying to encourage you-don't-have-a-dad jokes for years. I hope this is the point where they finally catch on.
I think I'm going to pass out from hunger but the idea of making food just isn't appealing to me but I have to make food because there are foods around here that need to get used up I just have to get up and make them. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I also want some cold tea but first it would have to be hot and I just don't have that kind of patience!
Working Taylor Swift tonight and tomorrow. Who will even be drinking a T Swift concert?? Oh well, I need all the shifts I can get.
After that there is a backyard party at the Mrs's house and I will go there. Goddamn the weather is nice and their backyard is nice and I was hanging out in it the other night, first with the Mrs's BF meeting about a short and then later on having cocktails with Mrs.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard paaaaaaaaaaaaaaarties forever.
You should come! It's going to be sofun!
Little Waltz Basia Bulat. on repeat over and over again. I wonder if it's one of those songs I'll get tired of or if it'll retain most of its enjoyability. It really is appealing to me right now.
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuper homesick, Saskatoon is so nice in the early summer and plus this is the time of year where I usually go home, gotta wait til the end of June because SOMEONE had to make their wedding on July 1st just so it could be on a riverboat cruise under fireworks. SIGH.
(these photos are from this time last year in Saskatchewan)
At least we've been putting in a lot of park time. Nothing says summer like afternoons of candy and lazing about in Bellwoods. Even Violet came for a bit yesterday. Plus, Accost is quickly becoming one of my favourite people and she and I brought our signature cocktails to the park on Wednesday and it was very fun, and probably something that will be happening more often.
Hmm these photos are not making me feel better. Whoops!
Bean time, anyway.
Cheespie: ughhh i have to go to help my dad buy pants after work
me: haha
who wears the pants in your relationship??
hopefully your dad after today
Cheespie: not that you'd know what that's like
I have been trying to encourage you-don't-have-a-dad jokes for years. I hope this is the point where they finally catch on.
I think I'm going to pass out from hunger but the idea of making food just isn't appealing to me but I have to make food because there are foods around here that need to get used up I just have to get up and make them. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I also want some cold tea but first it would have to be hot and I just don't have that kind of patience!
Working Taylor Swift tonight and tomorrow. Who will even be drinking a T Swift concert?? Oh well, I need all the shifts I can get.
After that there is a backyard party at the Mrs's house and I will go there. Goddamn the weather is nice and their backyard is nice and I was hanging out in it the other night, first with the Mrs's BF meeting about a short and then later on having cocktails with Mrs.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard paaaaaaaaaaaaaaarties forever.
You should come! It's going to be sofun!
Little Waltz Basia Bulat. on repeat over and over again. I wonder if it's one of those songs I'll get tired of or if it'll retain most of its enjoyability. It really is appealing to me right now.
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuper homesick, Saskatoon is so nice in the early summer and plus this is the time of year where I usually go home, gotta wait til the end of June because SOMEONE had to make their wedding on July 1st just so it could be on a riverboat cruise under fireworks. SIGH.
(these photos are from this time last year in Saskatchewan)
At least we've been putting in a lot of park time. Nothing says summer like afternoons of candy and lazing about in Bellwoods. Even Violet came for a bit yesterday. Plus, Accost is quickly becoming one of my favourite people and she and I brought our signature cocktails to the park on Wednesday and it was very fun, and probably something that will be happening more often.
Hmm these photos are not making me feel better. Whoops!
Bean time, anyway.
on how I'm a know-it-all with no tact
These latest headshots are of this lovely lady. I'm happy with the shoot. And she's happy with the shoot.
I like being happy with shoots.
Still frustrated with my equipment. Still have to sort out what my plans are.
My cousin pointed out how in previous entry where I said I did not mean to be patronizing that that's exactly what I was doing.
This is a fair point. And I feel like I should say something about it on here, in case anyone else noticed me being a dickweed.
The problem with me is that I've always been a know-it-all and a holier-than-thou.
I'm not even sure how I kept this up, especially given how hated I've been and how everyone is constantly pointing out that I'm wrong and annoying.
I'm also so easily swayed and have problems having real opinions on things.
When I said,
Being creative and nutso is hard work. Sometimes I imagine being the type of person who is happiest working a couple of jobs to make enough money to go to Mexico for an all-inclusive in February.
I'm not even meaning that in a patronizing way, it sounds rather nice.
And you wouldn't have to worry about being extraordinary.
I knew that I was being an asshole. But I should have clarified more.
One of my stadium co-workers who has a full-time job was talking about why she wanted to work multiple jobs and she said
"When I'm at home I think, I'm not doing anything... I might as well be at work making money"
This is such a foreign idea to me!
To not want to spend time at home because of having nothing to do?
Don't you feel the crushing guilt of not doing every creative project you've been thinking of?
So, I am jealous of people who have no interest in being a creative type. Not jealous enough to wish that I weren't creative, because I'm pleased with creating (when I get around to it) and have big plans to become amazing at several different art forms in the future.
But jealous in that I wish I could just be at home watching TV and not feel guilty for all the things I should be doing. I wish that at the end of each week I wasn't horribly sad at how little I've gotten done.
If I had a job that I went to and then came home and made dinner and went out for a glass of wine with my friends, and was happy, that would be great.
Then my leisure time would actually be leisure time, not feeling-guilty-for-not-creating time.
Though, I will say that accomplishing and getting stuff done and making things gives me a high which is pretty much unbeatable (possibly slightly above a great new crush, even!).
My cousin was concerned that I was attacking people like her who work 9-to-5 jobs.
I did not mean to attack anyone, really.
Plus, my cousin is one of the most creative people that I know (and is better than me at most things). And she has her life way more together and has kids and a super-great partner and a well-paying job.
I have debt and never go to work and babes who think I'm dumb and big plans that I have yet to follow through on.
I feel like she probably has it the hardest -- kids, partner, job, plus creativity that needs to be dealt with.
Where would you even have the time?
Plus she is good at her kind of job and is lucky to have found something that is a good job and is interesting.
I'm jealous of her. And not in a patronizing way. For serious.
CPT. HEH IS GETTING OLDER (but we're okay with that)
I know that it's a bit late (as it was yesterday) but I would like to wish my boy-bff a happy birthday.
That's right, Cpt. Heh finally turned 30!! Congrats on making it this far!
Cpt. Heh and I have been friends ever since he had a big crush on me while we were both at Humber but we also met through other friends and one time he picked me up from school and drove me downtown and we hung out a bit and I said "anyways" and he said "Anyways is grammatically incorrect" and I was like "whoaaa" and we went by the Chart Magazine offices because he was writing for them at the time, I think he was trying to impress me and it kind of worked but also not really.
I am one of those (assholes) who only likes people who don't like them.
I love Cpt. Heh more than I ever would have expected. And he is one of the most solid people in my life and has been for the past few years. Oh, obviously I get super-annoyed with him sometimes and want to punch him very hard in the neck, but mostly he is only good news.
I love how silly he is and how he's such a kid sometimes but also how he gives good advice and can be very rational, and is there when ya need him. He knows a lot of people and is friendly with lots but he doesn't like them like he likes me. Well, maybe a few. Okay, a lot.
Also, I frequently kind of forget that he's a bit of dude. Pretty funny.
Ha, he came over the other night and "helped" me choose my outfit for the evening and it was pretty ridiculous. He was basically trying to convince me to wear as little clothing as possible.
Best quotes for about my clothing choices:
"this outfit is good, I just think about you being more naked"
"if there's a girl there with bare legs, she wins"
"this outfit just looks like you're someone's girlfriend hanging at home, and you are no one's girlfriend right now."
hahaaa, sorry those made him sound like a jerk, whereas he is mostly not.
Okay, maybe I had more to say but I just wasted way too much time going through my flickr to find these gems and bring them to you.
You're welcome, Cpt. Heh, for being your #1 best photographer. You owe me (owe me bffship forever). Aww I like this guy.
Hahaah dreamy.
I just spent a lot of time looking for photos to put in this entry but then I gave up, sorry I know entries that are photo-less are hard to get through.
So my friend Bee and I have been talking about writing a TV show.
This started as an elaborate joke where we were planning on making a parody of The Hills called The 'Woods and it would be centered around Trinity Bellwoods and it would just have extreme hipsters in as dumb/pointless/awkward situations.
(still a hilarious idea that I think we should maybe still do)
But then it's been turning and shifting more and more in my brain and becoming more like an actual TV series and I'm always wanting to write a series and I'm really pleased with some of what's come up.
But I'm having a hard time sitting down to properly write it (though I've done far more work on it than I'd expect) because I don't quite know what it is exactly that I want to write.
Most of the work I (with Bee's brainstorming, other friends' influence, etc.) have been doing is just funny bits and words and sentences and situations and scenes.
I'm having trouble with what I want the actual concept to be.
I'm also having trouble with my involvement in ACTRA (still at the Apprentice stage so I could still opt out..) and how it's limiting me in working, but also how it's limiting what I write and create. It limits who I can work with and there are both union and non-union people I'm wanting to collaborate with.
But that's another whole rant.
Being creative and nutso is hard work. Sometimes I imagine being the type of person who is happiest working a couple of jobs to make enough money to go to Mexico for an all-inclusive in February.
I'm not even meaning that in a patronizing way, it sounds rather nice.
And you wouldn't have to worry about being extraordinary.
Cleaning out the fridge is extremely satisfying, but even better is buying the awesome food to fill up a newly cleaned-out fridge.
I finally got around to buying some rice bread and it's actually quite delicious, dense and sweetened with fruit juices, apparently, and it's kind of chewy and nice.
I've been having grilled cheese sandwiches with -Swiss -Extra old white cheddar -Apple Slices
So good. I can't believe I went so many years eating my grilled cheeses without apple slices.
Although tomatoes are good, too.
for dinner, after groceries, I had:
rice-almond crackers
fancy garlic hummus
and a virgin bloody mary... complete with horseradish. Yes.
Ha, see? Pure ordinary, all the time.
Tomorrow I'm working the day game, then meeting about making a short, then going to see Babies, the documentary about babies.
I'm a little nervous to see it, for obvious reasons.
Love babies.
So my friend Bee and I have been talking about writing a TV show.
This started as an elaborate joke where we were planning on making a parody of The Hills called The 'Woods and it would be centered around Trinity Bellwoods and it would just have extreme hipsters in as dumb/pointless/awkward situations.
(still a hilarious idea that I think we should maybe still do)
But then it's been turning and shifting more and more in my brain and becoming more like an actual TV series and I'm always wanting to write a series and I'm really pleased with some of what's come up.
But I'm having a hard time sitting down to properly write it (though I've done far more work on it than I'd expect) because I don't quite know what it is exactly that I want to write.
Most of the work I (with Bee's brainstorming, other friends' influence, etc.) have been doing is just funny bits and words and sentences and situations and scenes.
I'm having trouble with what I want the actual concept to be.
I'm also having trouble with my involvement in ACTRA (still at the Apprentice stage so I could still opt out..) and how it's limiting me in working, but also how it's limiting what I write and create. It limits who I can work with and there are both union and non-union people I'm wanting to collaborate with.
But that's another whole rant.
Being creative and nutso is hard work. Sometimes I imagine being the type of person who is happiest working a couple of jobs to make enough money to go to Mexico for an all-inclusive in February.
I'm not even meaning that in a patronizing way, it sounds rather nice.
And you wouldn't have to worry about being extraordinary.
Cleaning out the fridge is extremely satisfying, but even better is buying the awesome food to fill up a newly cleaned-out fridge.
I finally got around to buying some rice bread and it's actually quite delicious, dense and sweetened with fruit juices, apparently, and it's kind of chewy and nice.
I've been having grilled cheese sandwiches with -Swiss -Extra old white cheddar -Apple Slices
So good. I can't believe I went so many years eating my grilled cheeses without apple slices.
Although tomatoes are good, too.
for dinner, after groceries, I had:
rice-almond crackers
fancy garlic hummus
and a virgin bloody mary... complete with horseradish. Yes.
Ha, see? Pure ordinary, all the time.
Tomorrow I'm working the day game, then meeting about making a short, then going to see Babies, the documentary about babies.
I'm a little nervous to see it, for obvious reasons.
Love babies.
ready reddy
It takes so little to set me off sometimes but, yeah, I'm reactive. In good and bad ways.
I just got this email sent through my acting site with a fake reply email address:
"A Small Thing was just on CBC. You broke my heart. Fantastic performance."
Why the fake email address? I want to be best friends. Or at least have you know that that made my night and make me choke up a bit because it was kind of what I needed to hear. Even though it choked me up.
THEN right after posting that to facebook I checked facebook-mail and got this:
"Hello there. I just watched "A Small Thing" on CBC. I was just about to turn the television off for the night, and then the film came on. I am glad, because I thought it was good, and I thought you were especially good. So I totally creeped the director's name, found the name of the film, found out who you were, and am now creeping to tell you all of this. Anyway, have a pleasant night, keep up the good work, and any other cliche that conveys positive energy towards your acting :) "
Why can't I be on TV every day and have people email me all the time? It hurts my heart and fills me up at the same time.
These dudes are my new favourites.
I'm ready to be a working actor. I'm ready to be really, really good. And successful.
Here's the trailer for Hey, George, which is screening at Worldwide Shorts in June (I'll post the dates/times don't worry).
The director and I are talking next moves, more shorts..
I'm ready to film something.
This weekend I worked a concert that was Them Crooked Vultures and opening up for them was Arkells. It was maybe the first time that people I know have played a venue I'm working, and I felt a bit strange about it.
Embarrassed to be working.
Service industry is hard.
In a non-service job you have a boss, maybe a couple of bosses. In service every single customer feels like they are your boss. It's hard not to feel like you're beneath people. Like you're a lower class of person.
I make a stupid amount of money for how much (little) work I do and yet I have to wear an ugly bowling shirt and a name tag and get called "sweetheart" and try to fix everyone's bad moods and cater and pander to asshats.
You know all that.
It was good to see the little buds on stage, though. I was up on 300 so it was a good vantage to see all the people watching them. So funny (and lovely) to watch them singing and playing and leading clap-alongs.
Especially since I don't know if I'd ever even seen them live before, or if I just assumed that I had.
Ha, then I ended up running into both the dudes I (vaguely) know from Arkells as I was leaving (we always close up way before the concert is over). Both just wandering the concourse, wait, no, one was getting his photo taken with fans(!).
Funny because I rarely see co-workers I'm looking for in that giant place, let alone band members who were playing.
It was great, though. I love seeing buds be successful. I assume that's going to be all of us sooner and later, so I'm just getting acclimatised to it...
I ended up at an after-party that wasn't overly-exciting and I didn't see Dave Grohl at all, not once.
But one time (at Edge Fest, remember Edge Fest?) many years ago we sat at the fence and yelled through to the musicians on the other side and Dave Grohl came over and hung with us for a bit.
This was also the day I made bestfriends with Niki, so that means it was the summer before grade 12. Also that day we saw Trevor MacGregor from Treble Charger wandering in the crowd and we were so awestruck that he was there among us and we approached him and at first he denied that it was him but we knew. Pretty funny.
Man, I used to love Treble Charger so hard back then. Before they got shitty.
I still have my signed converse-release Treble Charger single.
Beat that.
I just got this email sent through my acting site with a fake reply email address:
"A Small Thing was just on CBC. You broke my heart. Fantastic performance."
Why the fake email address? I want to be best friends. Or at least have you know that that made my night and make me choke up a bit because it was kind of what I needed to hear. Even though it choked me up.
THEN right after posting that to facebook I checked facebook-mail and got this:
"Hello there. I just watched "A Small Thing" on CBC. I was just about to turn the television off for the night, and then the film came on. I am glad, because I thought it was good, and I thought you were especially good. So I totally creeped the director's name, found the name of the film, found out who you were, and am now creeping to tell you all of this. Anyway, have a pleasant night, keep up the good work, and any other cliche that conveys positive energy towards your acting :) "
Why can't I be on TV every day and have people email me all the time? It hurts my heart and fills me up at the same time.
These dudes are my new favourites.
I'm ready to be a working actor. I'm ready to be really, really good. And successful.
Here's the trailer for Hey, George, which is screening at Worldwide Shorts in June (I'll post the dates/times don't worry).
The director and I are talking next moves, more shorts..
I'm ready to film something.
This weekend I worked a concert that was Them Crooked Vultures and opening up for them was Arkells. It was maybe the first time that people I know have played a venue I'm working, and I felt a bit strange about it.
Embarrassed to be working.
Service industry is hard.
In a non-service job you have a boss, maybe a couple of bosses. In service every single customer feels like they are your boss. It's hard not to feel like you're beneath people. Like you're a lower class of person.
I make a stupid amount of money for how much (little) work I do and yet I have to wear an ugly bowling shirt and a name tag and get called "sweetheart" and try to fix everyone's bad moods and cater and pander to asshats.
You know all that.
It was good to see the little buds on stage, though. I was up on 300 so it was a good vantage to see all the people watching them. So funny (and lovely) to watch them singing and playing and leading clap-alongs.
Especially since I don't know if I'd ever even seen them live before, or if I just assumed that I had.
Ha, then I ended up running into both the dudes I (vaguely) know from Arkells as I was leaving (we always close up way before the concert is over). Both just wandering the concourse, wait, no, one was getting his photo taken with fans(!).
Funny because I rarely see co-workers I'm looking for in that giant place, let alone band members who were playing.
It was great, though. I love seeing buds be successful. I assume that's going to be all of us sooner and later, so I'm just getting acclimatised to it...
I ended up at an after-party that wasn't overly-exciting and I didn't see Dave Grohl at all, not once.
But one time (at Edge Fest, remember Edge Fest?) many years ago we sat at the fence and yelled through to the musicians on the other side and Dave Grohl came over and hung with us for a bit.
This was also the day I made bestfriends with Niki, so that means it was the summer before grade 12. Also that day we saw Trevor MacGregor from Treble Charger wandering in the crowd and we were so awestruck that he was there among us and we approached him and at first he denied that it was him but we knew. Pretty funny.
Man, I used to love Treble Charger so hard back then. Before they got shitty.
I still have my signed converse-release Treble Charger single.
Beat that.
I'm pretty sure rich people get to do everything fun that I don't
Look it is a purse from Sassephine. It is from L.A.
Miss Sass. I guess it's good that she's out in the world seeking her fortune, but still.
Paired that purse with a dress I made, some $1 hose, and some $2 shiny red shoes (don't try to wear heels that are a size to large without putting proper insoles in. seriously) and took myself and this lovely lady up to a stupid bar in Rosedale. Why do I do that??
We were on the lookout for rich husbands, but it didn't really go according to plan (ie, no one bought us cars or tvs or anything)
We did have a fun time chatting with random people, though.
One guy kept asking what he wanted to hear "Whadda ya wanna hear?? My friend is the DJ!" and then shooting down any suggestion that we had. Classic!
These pictures are from weeks ago. I had actually forgotten about them.
My point-and-shoot is not working properly anymore. So annoying! I take too many photos my cameras get worn out so quickly! I mean, I carry it around with me all day every day and take so many photos (most of which get deleted. ah man, did I just admit that only the "good" ones get posted? embarrassing.)
My hair colour has already faded the fuck out. Who wants to dye my hair for me and make it stick? Who wants to figure out how to keep red on the hair?
Oh yeah, at one point in the evening all these people came in dressed all fancy with feathered masks and loud celebrating and I turned to my friend (who has yet to pick a nickname!) and said,
"Do rich people get to celebrate holidays that we don't??"
Late in the night I noticed one of the masks had been discarded and was placed over a lampshade. Naturally I appropriated it and wore it and took photos of myself in it.
A minute later a prissy woman came over to me and said,
"That's my mask."
I went to take it off while I responded
"Sorry, it was just left over there"
"That's my mask."
I passed it back to her.
"That's my mask."
Wow. Eloquent. She seriously just repeated the same phrase a few times. Super rude!
Rich people can afford to be rude, I suppose.
I went out with this same friend last night, who is part of MCDA with me, and I would like to apologize to all the parents that were nearby when we were discussing our famous "Vibrator" dance move.
Aaaaand that's why parents shouldn't be allowed at the bar (or near me, in general).
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