junk-store bicycle
match your pace to mine
and check back to make sure I'm there just
behind you
white bikes under streetlights
Yard party at the Mrs's last night.
I was in exactly the right kind of mood for that party. Ahh so nice when it matches up like that.
I love yard parties because the price is right and the company is right and the atmosphere is like a patio only nicer and it's like a house party only better.
Into the mix of lots of people I already know plus a bunch of people who are probably great because they were invited over.
Not like a bar where you gotta assume (if you hate everyone, like I do) that most people are asshats.
Mrs bought gluten-free veggie burgers with me in mind.
I know, right?

My social life/arts life was changed 4 years ago when I met this crew.
I had an audition for a Ryerson short film which I ended up blowing off twice and then being late for. Then I was super awkward at the audition then I climbed over the desks on my way out instead of going around (I don't know why!) and almost fell over/broke things then said to the boys,
"I almost broke your school"
For some reason (pure sex appeal, I assume) I still got the part in this short.
The filming of that lead to meeting more people from that year at Ryerson, people including Mrs, Norman Yeung, the friends that made A Small Thing, and many others.
In the film I wore pajamas and no make-up. It was a quieter kind of a role and I was in the middle of a bunch of people I didn't know so I was a bit shy and not overly-friendly. Norman Yeung told me later that he thought I was a big geek (still true) and was surprised when I came out partying with them afterwards. He knew nothing of my party-all-the-time ways yet.
Mrs super-befriended me by making me come out with them, plus buying me drinks because I was beyond broke in that time period. Plus Mrs is very funny so her awkward humour was something I could get behind.

That summer is sort of legendary in our minds, I think. Some things were just beyond fun and the gang was new and fresh and fun and a lot of us were single or single-ish, under-employed, and ready to stay out until dawn.
Plus many of us had white bikes and a strong desire to go to New Ho King for cold tea at 3 a.m.
we admire our own persistence
chugging through sidestreets
on breaking-down bicycles
late night and we would never, ever be
too much to see + to do
too much to see-through
we can't know how this night will end
and so we can't go home yet
we have to push though
And although I do think we romanticize it, I think it was romantic.
We had a time.
It was nice to sit around last night and pat ourselves on the back about how much we like each other and each other's projects and arts.
There is basically nothing more rewarding than loved and praised by the people you have the most respect and admiration for.
"But then Norman called at like 1am and he was like "Meredith, I'm coming to pick you up on my bike and ride you doubles the party is just getting started where do you live?" it was great. How can I say no to that?"
-from my Diaryland May 24th 2006
I keep finding out that more and more people who I think are great are reading this blog and appreciating it.
I'm so appreciative of anyone appreciating it.
(poems are from my zine, Et Puis #2, ha, remember when I used to make those? photos are from that summer.)