
quotables and notables (this is all going in the TV show don't deny)

"I had a dream that I was a lioness and I was in charge of taking care of two mentally challenged cubs"

"I had a dream my number one crush was a sexy doctor with many sexy brothers who were beardy-longhairs and I had stomach cancer and they wanted to take care of me at their house. I think my stomach hurt in my sleep."

It's ladies night at the Mistletoe household!
Two of the prettiest ladies I know and I are going to have vodka lemonade and martinis and annoy the cat at my place! Life is grand and we are all so lucky/cursed to be in the middle of all this. Yeah? Yeah!

"Don't these stairs know how often we ride our bikes!?!?"
-Raymi to me on the too-many stairs at Paupers last night
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