Look it is a purse from Sassephine. It is from L.A.
Miss Sass. I guess it's good that she's out in the world seeking her fortune, but still.
Paired that purse with a dress I made, some $1 hose, and some $2 shiny red shoes (don't try to wear heels that are a size to large without putting proper insoles in. seriously) and took myself and this lovely lady up to a stupid bar in Rosedale. Why do I do that??

We were on the lookout for rich husbands, but it didn't really go according to plan (ie, no one bought us cars or tvs or anything)

We did have a fun time chatting with random people, though.
One guy kept asking what he wanted to hear "Whadda ya wanna hear?? My friend is the DJ!" and then shooting down any suggestion that we had. Classic!

These pictures are from weeks ago. I had actually forgotten about them.
My point-and-shoot is not working properly anymore. So annoying! I take too many photos my cameras get worn out so quickly! I mean, I carry it around with me all day every day and take so many photos (most of which get deleted. ah man, did I just admit that only the "good" ones get posted? embarrassing.)

My hair colour has already faded the fuck out. Who wants to dye my hair for me and make it stick? Who wants to figure out how to keep red on the hair?

Oh yeah, at one point in the evening all these people came in dressed all fancy with feathered masks and loud celebrating and I turned to my friend (who has yet to pick a nickname!) and said,
"Do rich people get to celebrate holidays that we don't??"

Late in the night I noticed one of the masks had been discarded and was placed over a lampshade. Naturally I appropriated it and wore it and took photos of myself in it.
A minute later a prissy woman came over to me and said,
"That's my mask."
I went to take it off while I responded
"Sorry, it was just left over there"
"That's my mask."
I passed it back to her.
"That's my mask."
Wow. Eloquent. She seriously just repeated the same phrase a few times. Super rude!
Rich people can afford to be rude, I suppose.

I went out with this same friend last night, who is part of MCDA with me, and I would like to apologize to all the parents that were nearby when we were discussing our famous "Vibrator" dance move.
Aaaaand that's why parents shouldn't be allowed at the bar (or near me, in general).