Cheespie: ughhh i have to go to help my dad buy pants after work
me: haha
who wears the pants in your relationship??
hopefully your dad after today
Cheespie: not that you'd know what that's like
I have been trying to encourage you-don't-have-a-dad jokes for years. I hope this is the point where they finally catch on.

I think I'm going to pass out from hunger but the idea of making food just isn't appealing to me but I have to make food because there are foods around here that need to get used up I just have to get up and make them. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I also want some cold tea but first it would have to be hot and I just don't have that kind of patience!

Working Taylor Swift tonight and tomorrow. Who will even be drinking a T Swift concert?? Oh well, I need all the shifts I can get.
After that there is a backyard party at the Mrs's house and I will go there. Goddamn the weather is nice and their backyard is nice and I was hanging out in it the other night, first with the Mrs's BF meeting about a short and then later on having cocktails with Mrs.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard paaaaaaaaaaaaaaarties forever.
You should come! It's going to be sofun!

Little Waltz Basia Bulat. on repeat over and over again. I wonder if it's one of those songs I'll get tired of or if it'll retain most of its enjoyability. It really is appealing to me right now.
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuper homesick, Saskatoon is so nice in the early summer and plus this is the time of year where I usually go home, gotta wait til the end of June because SOMEONE had to make their wedding on July 1st just so it could be on a riverboat cruise under fireworks. SIGH.

(these photos are from this time last year in Saskatchewan)
At least we've been putting in a lot of park time. Nothing says summer like afternoons of candy and lazing about in Bellwoods. Even Violet came for a bit yesterday. Plus, Accost is quickly becoming one of my favourite people and she and I brought our signature cocktails to the park on Wednesday and it was very fun, and probably something that will be happening more often.

Hmm these photos are not making me feel better. Whoops!
Bean time, anyway.