Fuck, I love Man Stroke Woman. It's the best sketch show. And this is basically what happened at my house last night!
Niki dropped an open bottle of really fine martha stewart glitter on my (carpeted) floor and then our new friend immediately rolled in it and then Niki rolled in it and then we put it all over our faces and bodies and necks and took ourselves out on the town to the horseshoe tavern.

Yeah 1:30 a.m. and we show up for the beauties' record release all drunk and glittery.

No, only most of the time.

I've been out so much lately that now it feels super strange to be at home by myself and working on projects. Good weird.
Life has been very fun lately and we are all super buzzed on the hot weather and on summer clothes and on drinking in the park and on biking around at top speed and on pushing to see where we can get this party to.

Though last night me and Ruth got into an unfortunate episode which ended in me having the most extreme cat bites/scratches on my leg. I almost don't want to post pictures of it because it's so gross, but maybe I'll take some tomorrow.
Impressively terrible.
I considered going to the hospital tonight as I think the puncture wounds are possibly getting slightly infected, but I'm going to hold off and go to the clinic tomorrow. Yay!
Ugh, it hurts a lot.

First rehearsal tonight for a short we're planning on shooting in a couple of weeks. Exciting timez! I'm pretty excited because I get to play someone very fun and funny and I have never really had a chance to do that on film and it's kind of up-my-alley.
Also I'm getting to help write/create this one and I loooove that.
You know what else I love? Bellwoods. It's basically our second home right now and the people coming-and-going and the sun and the breeze and good people and freezies and jokes and everything. Man!
Also, Shambers and his twinsie/bff, Lols, have taken to walking their fixed-gear bikes around Bellwoods in matching hipster/douchey outfits tanning their muscles and smoothing their hairs and scoping babes and they are becoming totally notorious already and by the end of the summer they will have their own TV show I bet. TV show called Douche Patrol.
Apparently rumors have already started including that Lols is a "professional polo player"!
Amazing in so many ways.
I love Shambers.
More updates on their patrol later I bet!
Okay I've gotta get to work on more projects while the mood has struck except I should also clean up this dammit house because I always just come home, make a quick mess, and then leave again. Plus this week is stupid-busy and fun.
Please remind me to carve out alone-time. My aunt posted a link to this article on how solitude is the most important for creativity. I fully agree. Also the article goes on to say that being social and living life up is second most important.
It's finding the balance that is where it gets tricky. Especially if you are lucky like me and know the bestfunnest people in the world.