I know that it's a bit late (as it was yesterday) but I would like to wish my boy-bff a happy birthday.
That's right, Cpt. Heh finally turned 30!! Congrats on making it this far!

Cpt. Heh and I have been friends ever since he had a big crush on me while we were both at Humber but we also met through other friends and one time he picked me up from school and drove me downtown and we hung out a bit and I said "anyways" and he said "Anyways is grammatically incorrect" and I was like "whoaaa" and we went by the Chart Magazine offices because he was writing for them at the time, I think he was trying to impress me and it kind of worked but also not really.
I am one of those (assholes) who only likes people who don't like them.

I love Cpt. Heh more than I ever would have expected. And he is one of the most solid people in my life and has been for the past few years. Oh, obviously I get super-annoyed with him sometimes and want to punch him very hard in the neck, but mostly he is only good news.

I love how silly he is and how he's such a kid sometimes but also how he gives good advice and can be very rational, and is there when ya need him. He knows a lot of people and is friendly with lots but he doesn't like them like he likes me. Well, maybe a few. Okay, a lot.

Also, I frequently kind of forget that he's a bit of dude. Pretty funny.
Ha, he came over the other night and "helped" me choose my outfit for the evening and it was pretty ridiculous. He was basically trying to convince me to wear as little clothing as possible.
Best quotes for about my clothing choices:
"this outfit is good, I just think about you being more naked"
"if there's a girl there with bare legs, she wins"
"this outfit just looks like you're someone's girlfriend hanging at home, and you are no one's girlfriend right now."

hahaaa, sorry those made him sound like a jerk, whereas he is mostly not.

Okay, maybe I had more to say but I just wasted way too much time going through my flickr to find these gems and bring them to you.

You're welcome, Cpt. Heh, for being your #1 best photographer. You owe me (owe me bffship forever). Aww I like this guy.

Hahaah dreamy.