
we are at the club!!!!!!


I feel bad, Sass has already posted all her photos from Friday and I'm only getting around to it now... Such is life around here.



Yeah, so we went to CiRCA (that's how you spell it! now that I'm a Clubber I know these things. I am in the know, if you will) and this is what it looked like for us


I also now understand what having "bottle service" is all about. I had been curious for years! I don't know if you know me or not, but I haven't been a club sort of person. Nor am I a "spending money" kind of a person.
Annnyway, "bottle service" is at the club where you commit to buying a bottle of alcohol (for the reasonable price of $100-400+) and then you are set up with a booth for you and your friends and then they bring your bottle and glasses and shot glasses and mixes and limes and ice and everything! Sort of like a little buffet. A little buffet with zero food.

This whole idea kind of amazes me. Anyone?
Obviously this is very fun and probably costs less than buying each drink individually but HOOOLEEEEE... weird.


Yep, low-light digital point-and-shoot is actually a pretty accurate representation of what our drunk-eyes were taking in.


I was kind of into this whole sauna-room thing with the barber/dentist's chair thing. Pretty neat.


I also kind of wish I'd drank slower (and A WHOLE LOT LESS) in order to take more in about the club and possibly even dance?? Who knows!


I'm glad that Sass brought me to this place. I finally really know what it's like to go clubbing. Maybe when the BFF comes back from overseas I will go with her sometime. I hear she likes that sort of thing.


I had to edit this one for content. aiyiyi.

Poor, poor little SweetThing how did you get messed up in a situation like this with girls like us...?

That's right, give Sass a haircut, that'll make you feel better

After we got off the chair (after taking approximately 1 billion photos of ourselves) everyone else wanted to have their own photoshoots on there
Also, what are they wearing?


I do believe it was Sass's great idea to unhitch the helium balloons from the railing on our balcony-booth


nope, sure don't know that guy! new best friend!!!!

Christmas Sigh

One last quick photoshoot outside before I awkwardly wheeled my bike away (and then fell over very hard onto it. ugh. holy, bruises.)


There's a tonne more photos on Sass's blog, so you should go over there to see them because I'm sure you're very curious to see just how many different poses we could have in that one weird chair!!!
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