
christmas, auditions, etc


This blog is about to become 8 times more annoying if you don't like Christmas.


Nirvana has a Christmas tree set up now. Not really decorated just with white lights. Still lovely. Niki and I had brunch there the other day and it made the whole place feel all holiday-spirity.


Getting my holiday workshop in order. I haven't decided what sorts of crafts I'm going to make besides some origami ornaments and holiday cards... I'm very pleased to be getting an early-ish start on things, though. Usually I leave everything until the last minute and then I don't have time to enjoy Saskatoon and family and all that business.


I've already had one stress dream about Christmas.
I dreamt that we all forgot to buy any gifts at all and all tried to run out on Christmas day afternoon to pick up random things for each other. TERRIFYING.


I need to get a slightly bigger Christmas tree. I like wrapping all the little stocking stuffers to place around this mini little guy though. JK those aren't your stocking stuffers.


On an unrelated note, I am done shopping for stockings. It is far, far too easy! all those little things sneaking into my shopping bags. Actually I might pick up a couple more things for my bro. If you have any idea what stocking stuffers to get for an 18 year old annoying boy then let me know!

Here is what I've been working on:
I want to draw snowflakes all day!

Lucky for me I don't have any shifts at work this week so I've had plenty of time for that.

Practicing lettering and stuff, too.

Some is good, some is not as good!


I haven't drank since Friday. I haven't smoked, either, come to think of it.
I haven't gone out either, though. It's easier that way.
I'm saving all my drink money to spend on Christmas gifts.

Went out for brunch yesterday with JL but besides that I haven't been out on the town much at all. Oh yeah, we also finally went to see Where The Wild Things Are on Sunday. I really liked it. JL was not convinced. I expected that to happen.


In case you were wondering what I'm doing with my hair (you weren't), I'm dying it with semi-permanents at home, a redder version of my natural haircolour, trying to grow it out a lot a lot so I can see what I have to deal with. I'm pleased with this semi-permanent. Less roots to show, less annoyance when it fades out right away. Fascinating!!!


On my way now to the second audition of the day. It's hard because the first one didn't go too great. It's a bit hard to suck it up and go for it again.
I got thrown off by the miming I was to be doing. I couldn't concentrate on the actions because I was trying too hard to do what the casting people like/want.
Also I think that casting person hates me and that always makes me nervous.
In conclusion, I suck. And I need to learn how to be better at not sucking.


I'm going to go smile at them with my eyes.
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