
potluck roundup

Long overdue photos from miss lindeman's birthday gathering.



I feel like potlucks are full of satisfaction. Good potlucks, at least.


She had a bit of a potluck dinner. I was working so I arrived late. Too late to get to sample most of the food, but also late enough that it didn't matter that I didn't bring any food. And I still got some lentil salad and a bunch of delicious desserts.


I think Miss Lindeman is just having too much fun here.

JL kept shaking the camera as I was trying to take photos.

Cpt. Heh's shirt has a label on it that says "meredith=party"
This proves that you should be late to parties all the time and then people will make labels about how they love you.

I've had the worst headache all day and my neck has got a kink in it. Paaaarty.
I think I'm getting better at talking myself out of bad moods or trying to do things to fix them, but sometimes I'm just irritable for life.

I just went out and got a big coffee. Maybe this will make me feel better.

Entire Cities vinyl release tonight, though. Should be lovely, hopefully I will feel like dancing instead of feeling annoyed. And I haven't been to The Garrison yet, so I'm interested to see what this new, hip venue is all about.

I took these photos and most of these people aren't in the band anymore. I feel like big bands would be hard to wrangle. Heck, even small bands seem hard to wrangle.
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