
I'll be a killer whale when I grow up

Oh hiiiiiiiiiii


All I want to do is watch episode after episode of Dexter and make Christmas cards and tags. So what?


I'm kind of funny about crafts. I get super obsessed with something for awhile and then never get back into it again. I'm definitely into this project.

One month and 2 days until Christmas. That's like barely any time at all! I haven't really made any progress on the gift front... Soon...


Had brunch today with Dollface and Sass and co. Brunch always makes me feel a bit better. I'm definitely feeling the hibernation for winter business, though.


I cannot wait for home times (less than a month!!). I saw my old friend Prune all too briefly on Saturday night and it made me homesick. I've known her since I was four. That is an unbelievably long time to me.

I'm going to be 26 this Christmas, in case you were wondering. Yeah, I'm legal.
26 is a funny number, it doesn't seem that appealing for some reason. It's 27 I'm really looking forward to, but who knows why...
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