
fell right over but only felt it later

Ronnie's Friday instead of dressing up for Hallowe'en like I'd kind of been dreaming of. Oh Well! It turned out to be real fun. Met up with some friends I don't see nearly enough of, including this friend who can be the life/driving force of the the party if he so chooses. And he tends to pick his moments, instead of spreading himself party-thin like I do. Which is probably why he is an accomplished writer/artist/director/actor/etc and I am not. Don't worry, I'm sure I will be soon!

Annnnywaysssss. We sat on the patio! Probably the last patio-sit of the year? It was really warm out. Sass came by and wasn't even wearing a jacket but it wasn't no big thing. Warmth!

We got grilled cheese from the new grilled cheese store across the road. They deliver their grilled cheeses right to the Ronnie's patio! I know, right?
On our way to order I (drunkenly) caught my cowboy boot in between the bench and the table and fell REAL HARD onto the ground. I hit my ass very hard on the corner of the bench and bruised the hand I fell on. I wish I had a picture of the ass-bruise because it is pretty intense, but there's just no way of getting a photo of it that isn't weird. It's just too close to my lady-bits. Ya know? Rest assured, it is a sweet bruise, very deeply coloured, and such.
It hurts to ride my bike. The roads are very bumpy!

Went to a party at a loft after Ronnie's - I only went for about 10 minutes, just to see what was what and to take a bunch of photos I guess.


It was so, so, so, soooo humid in there! Unreal. It had cleared out a lot but there were still some people dancing and some people by the bar and holy shit was it humid. We had to clean our camera lenses every few seconds!

Gave us a sort of unearthly ethereal kind of a glow, though

Hipster beers for all!!!!
That beer looks magically cold and delicious. I want one again please?


I really like this photo of Sass, jfyi


And then everyone wanted me to go home

And so I did!!!

All stories should have as happy an ending as this one...
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