
I like animals!

I finally did my laundry today!
Congratulations to me!
Though, I thought I would be reunited with tonnes of clothes I missed, but nope, my wardrobe is still boring and annoying.
Need new things! Need to get rid of things!

I wish there were an emoticon for poutiness.

Miss Lindeman had a going away potluck tonight because she is going to L.A. for a month for pilot season (I wish this was where one could go to bag a pilot for a husband.. ooo that's what I want my future husband's career to be...).
A whole bunch of my friends are going because they are obnoxious and have more money than me. Oh yeah and I haven't really even done anything here so no point going down there, I think. Next year. (except that's what I said last year.)
I would like to see L.A. I think that'd be fun timez but also I'm very not L.A., I'm very Saskatoon.
And as much as I'm convinced I would be good at being famous and fancy, I totally get stressed out about what to wear and how to present myself. To the nth.
My sense of humour and straight-up all the time obnoxiousness are not always that charming and I'm still learning how to use everything to my advantage.
And I'm terrible at dressing myself for events that I'm worried about. Even for auditions I find myself wearing things I would never normally put on and things I feel uncomfortable in. Not cool.
I'm getting better at this stuff, but still.

Anyhow, there was a potluck and it was SO DELICIOUS. And I ate everything in sight and the main courses were very good (including my black bean dip) but it was the deserts that kept on looking at me, begging me to eat more of them...
Pecan pies aaand lemon curd pie with walnut crust?

But they didn't.

I'm very smart and I yell important things during dinner conversations.
Luckily there was an iPhone so we looked it up. It is a canine but also not really! How Wild!


The more I think about it the more that I love foxes. They are cunning with nice faces.

Also then Cpt. Heh wanted to know what a Red Panda is.
You know what it is??

I want one so bad. Can I pls have one for my birthday? For my birthday I would like a roadside zoo where I could keep tonnes of animals not in their natural habitats. Fun!

The red panda is unique, it is maybe really vaguely related to skunks and raccoons but it is not a cat and not a bear.
It is made of cute.

I wish I had some more lemon curd right now.
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