"It's hard to live your life according to your preferences, for other people's demands require that you change your schedule more than you'd like. Nevertheless, there really isn't a any reason to hold on to your routine; familiarity is not a good justification of doing something the same old way. Demonstrating your flexibility now can help you achieve more in the days ahead."
Funny that because my agent called at 9:30 and I have to go to an audition at noon.
Luckily, thinking that I had nothing to do today, I drank and partied until the bar kicked me out at three a.m.
And now I have a headache.
Quelle big surprise.
I have to go back to the studio where I had the speech impediment/ Amish dressing issues. I'm tempted to wear vampire fangs and nipple tassels.
I keep having dreams that I try and adopt men to be my father. Kind of strange.
Good things to say to celebrities that will make them want to date you:
"I don't even know what you do really..."
"Oh, you work for CBC? Can you tell me why CBC television sucks so hard?"
"You wish" (in response to being asked for one's number)