
do my little turn on the catwalk


Man, I had such a good time getting photographed by my friend at her shop! 

All I had to do was show up, guess I should do that more often.
Though, I'm not the best at modeling. Harder than it looks, eh? 

This friend is especially lovely because she has a completely different sense of style than I do. In the best way.
I would never think of certain clothing items or never ever think to pair them together. But when she puts it together it looks great.

I guess that's why she's so good at having this shop!

also she told me I have great legs. Jokes on her!
Jk I don't even know what I meant by that.

Also, I like these flats in photos even more than I liked them in life, also the blazer is pretty classic awesome.
In one of the several TV shows I'm writing one of the characters always wears a full and perfect school uniform except her school doesn't even have uniforms.
This is where she can get her crested blazers!

Also the guess shorts are really solid shorts like black shorts are kind of a good wardrobe staple you can pair them with anything. Especially nylons.
Love sheer nylons.

this dress was too big for me, but such gorgeous fabric, maybe you are bigger than me and would look even better in it (not likely, I'm the pretty one).
Also if you have thin calves (or own a spray can of pam), these are the sweet boots for you.
No, but they are sweet boots. 

haha I insisted on wearing the sunglasses. I love how it looks out, also. It was freezing. Not that I felt it while I was posing so hot-like.

Supposed to feel like 30 above this weekend?
Nope. Can't even get my hopes up that high.

Oh yeah yeah, there's one more outfit, but I'm saving that for later. It's my favourite. If you follow me on twitter you can see it there..

If you're heading to Sub Rosa you can say hi from me, but mostly just buy everything. Thanks! 

3:15 a.m. that's enough for tonight.
It's felt like a ridiculously long day even though I know it hasn't been,  really.

Had a mini-melt-down on my mum over the phone this evening (sorry, dude) and my face is still a puffy mess from it.
But then I went for king's crown nachos (no meat) plus cool lager at sneak's with miss lindeman and cpt. heh and that did make me feel a whole lot better. Or at least more lucky to know such buds.
I wish my face weren't a puffy mess, though.
Sleep it off!!!
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