
lovely country driving

I just had a really nice walk with Kaya that involved a bit of running, too. Mostly because I got annoyed with her stop-and-sniff routine that was happening approximately every two seconds.
It was nice to get out of the house and move around. I think I'm a bit depressed today. Mostly probably just hormones and seasons and vitamins and things, but still. Spent a lot of time watching internet TV and being annoyed at how nothing good ever happens to me (obviously untrue x 100).

Wow, I started this post about half an hour ago and then got completely caught up in reading the crazy facebook sagas of people I went to elementary school with. Totally sucked me in. Some people are crazy. So effing crazy it blows my mind. And the shit they put on facebook?? amazing!
I mean, I do understand the temptation, I've obviously put way too much of my life on Diaryland and on the internets in other ways. But it seems like one should grow out of it or something.

So Deck doesn't want to be called "Deck" anymore. I believe his words were "Every time I see that name I want to never be friends with you" something like that. Very polite like. He hadn't noticed that Poppy's been using it too.
But he isn't being at all helpful in telling me would be acceptable to call him by. I'm very close to referring to him as That Guy. I guess I will call him JL for the moment, but it seems like a copout.


Anyway, we went to Owen Sound just the night on Monday because JL had a doctor's appointment. It really was lovely to get out of the city and it's not a bad drive (for me, as the passenger)


I took a shit-tonne of photos for some reason. Like way more than were necessary. Classic. I didn't manage to get any of JL really limping. He had sprained his ankle (really badly) doing a big trick the day before and was in a bunch of pain the whole time. Poor limplet.


in this one I will be opening my mouth:

in this one I will make like I am looking behind you - maybe we are being followed:

let's take one that represents our personalities:

I'm thinking:

still thinking:

I think some unbelievable things!:




oh thank god this picture happened, we really needed one of these:

When we got there there were furry little beasts who jumped around a lot. A whole lot.
They basically just bite each other all day and run back and forth. I do not understand dogs.

The bigger one's name is Bunny and the little one's name is Blanche and Blanche is new and obviously cuter than Bunny (nice goatee, Bunny), poooor Bunny. Just kidding I don't feel bad for either of them, they've got it made!

This is the room that I got to stay in.
I know, right? It's very nice there, like a bed and breakfast. Possibly better than a bed and breakfast because there were smirnoff ices. (second time in a few days that I drank smirnoff ice. how fucking weird is that? a: pretty weird.)
Also my own balcony and bathroom? Yes, please.


We had dinner with his folks, who are kind of ridiculously nice and welcoming and warm, just like last time. They are pretty cute and his dad makes such dad-jokes (like where do dads even learn how to make these jokes?) and his mum asked mum-questions. We had a big dinner with such classic hits as mashed potatoes and corn and brussel sprouts and salad and his dad cooked me some fake-chicken cutlets special (then tried some and proclaimed that they tasted like cardboard -- oh dads!).
We had apple-rhubarb pie for desert. Except for JL, who, apparently, does not like pie. WHAT?? WHO DOESN'T LIKE PIE?? THIS DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE TO ME IN ANY CAPACITY ON ANY LEVEL. no really. WHAT THE HELL??

I put ice cream in my after-dinner coffee.

And I had pie for breakfast, also. And JL's dad put so much whipped cream on it! And then kept threatening to add more!

The house is still located on the Georgian Bay. It's still really effing beautiful.
There are Canada geese hanging out around there. They are awesome.

These are similar pictures to the last time we were up there, too bad for you!

but with more geese.
oh hey, we live on a marina:

It was super misty out and kind of warm in the afternoon. The poor cripple was inside so I hung by the water for a bit by myself. No, wait, hounded by tiny dogs.
I'm saving my favourite picture for later. I don't know why. I just want to.

There's a creek that runs beside the house
by the treehouse I'm not allowed to go into. I am infatuated with the two little bridges they have going, as well.
When we used to camp at Redberry we always got the campsite that was by the stream and the little bridge. sigh.

I really like that cat! I really like big old toms in general.

the living room is like an old cabin sort of, except with a much bigger TV.


sorry I didn't take any photos of the bearskin rug (head still attached) for you.


Then I took some timer shots of myself. (I originally wrote "tiger" shots, which would've been much better)


then I made attractive faces while jumping in the air:

this one looks like I'm falling from somewheres:

then that guy wanted to be in the pictures too
but I couldn't take him seriously.

then we looked smug:

finally everyone did a good job:
Except Blanche, she was probably off eating carpet (no, that is not a euphemism).

Okay that's enough for now, pictures of a tiny waterfall and the trip back soon maybe. Probably. You're lucky like that.

Also, I have a theory that cellphones have a two-year-old self-destruct button. They just aren't built to last the length of a three-year contract. Who's with me?
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