
big plans for having big plans

In Owen Sound on a quick road trip. Why? Because I love road trips! And I try to convince everyone to take me with them wherever they're going.

Coming back tonight and then I'm going to get down to business. What business? The business of resisting doing anything I should be doing, of course.

I've been thinking a lot about writing. That feels like it should count for something, shouldn't it? I have really, really big plans. So big of plans. That's almost like getting things done.

Getting started on my Christmas book and it's less than two weeks until hallowe'en will be over and then I can start my Christmas Fever with FULL FURY!!!
I always start thinking about the holidays so early but then still manage to leave everything to the last minute and not get everything done like I'd like. I get a bit better every year but I still have stress dreams where it's Christmas morning and I've forgotten to get gifts for pretty much everyone in my family. So terrifying!
It'd be nice if I got stuff done early this year. And it'd be good if I spent less. Always, obviously.
Recycling, crafting, etc. Hopefully.

I basically have a week off and I'm still maybe considering going to Montreal on the weekend but maybe Dollface and I are going to go in November instead. I'm feeling remarkably lazy, gotta admit. Maybe this week could be my jump-start on Christmas. HMMMMM.

I spent Sunday at work coming up with awesome costume ideas for Hallowe'en so if you need some ideas, you should message me and we'll talk. I'm trying to decide which costume I'd like the best but I think it'll definitely include a moustache. Man do I love moustaches.
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