
Only the beginning

So bored at Big Chill last night. Wanted to die. Seriously no customers. It was way too cold. Luckily my old housemate (still neighbour) came and visited with me for about 2 hours. Nice job!
After she left I just took pictures of myself.

come on customers, where are you?
it was
hahaha basement with the timer.

Luckily I closed early and so I got to go to party town a little earlier.

Party town was all over the place last night.

Sass and I started out at 751 for their "Grunge Night". We were a little disappointed at the obvious lack of ponchos and ripped clothing. There wasn't even that much plaid!
There were zexy sweaty musicians. Namely Born To Busk

sweaty jesse

born to busk

born to busk

The boys sounded really great and it was a smooth set. I love the recordings they've done, and it was fun to be able to dance a bit!

The hottest part about 751 is the $3 Nickel Brook beers (what the hell is Nickel Brook, anyhow?)
sass is zexy
Sass models one for you.
yeah huh.
We tried to get a sweet grunge picture for grunge night but we look too hot all the time.

Hard life.

Okay. Totes ran out of time. So, so, so many pictures that I have to deal with! Super fun still. But so much work!

More tomorrow, I hope! If only I didn't have a real job (or several) then I could just blog all over the place.

check this text I just received after changing to my Facebook status to "hung. over."
"Just saw ur fb status. STOP DRINKING FOR A WHILE AND DEAL WITH LIFE! x j."

Aw, it's sort of sweet, in a way.
I like when I've totes managed to give people the impression that I'm a fucked up party girl. I wish!

(to be fair, the last email I sent to this particular babe (?) was pretty emo. Hahah emo email.)
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