

Yikes! Unexpected time with the computer this afternoon! Fortuitous!

I think I have issues with commas. I just don't even know what to do with them.

I'm hoping I get paid my internet resids before my mumsies gets to town, then we'd be able to do way more fun stuff. Like see Dirty Dancing. Shit balls do I ever want to see that. And go to Stratford. And go to R.E.M. but I just don't know if I can justify hundred dollar tickets.
What else should mum and I do while she in town? Who wants to have us over for dins???
Please give me suggestions though.

I'm in love with pad thai. I never had it until Toronto. It's like the only thing I eat at Nirvana. It's so good.

It's awkward to respond to a mass text like it was personal and then realize after the fact that it was probably a mass text which didn't need any responding at all.

Rehearsal this morning for our soon-to-be-world-famous fringe play! Despite being drastically late, it went really well. We went to the park to block a few of the beginning scenes, looked a lot like crazy people running about, I'm liking my character and need to get real into developing her, she could be rad, yeah. I'm kind of happy to have a smaller part in this piece, theatre is so wild. I always forget how much goes into it..
But this is looking good (only rehearsal #2 with full cast) and we're getting it together.
Secret about me = I'm a terrible actor.
Well, I'm terribly about all the things actors should be good at for instance:
-memorizing lines
-wanting to rehearse
-taking things seriously
-character development
No, I'm fine... mostly. I need to get better. Yes I will then.

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