
what is this love which goes from bad to worse

Riding my aunt's bike down the Broadway bridge last night after they'd turned on all the lights in the bar and I'd realized that no one was as familiar as I'd assumed and I left - I felt invisible and misplaced, off-centered
All in black and without lights or helmet
I ran red lights and avoided looking in on the drivers beside me

The end of an almost-date and I was mostly just missing another...
pleased to be going home alone and to be granted this moment of quiet, mourning a life I could have if I lived in this city again.


My brother is packing to go camping for a night all alone, and I'm shocked that he is suddenly so old and capable
We remember when as a toddler he woke up from his nap under the trees on the beach, saw us swimming and he walked right into the lake, fearless and so trusting
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