
hometime besttime

hi hii
I'm in Saskatoon now! all safe and sound like.

Good, easy flight. I slept through it like usual. That's the best. Then it's like I magically got here.

I partied forever Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
I just went out for a brief moment to see Constantine and my long-lost BFF, SteveDave. Steve and I hadn't seen each other for 1.5 years since the summer before last and I love her like "WHOA", so... you know. also she's really rewarding to see because she just picks me up and shakes me around and looks at me like she can't believe I'm real.
I wish I were that good at being a rewarding friend. I just trust that she knows I feel the exact same.

Gift for Arrow and Mrs.! I was pleased with how these turned out. Can I get a job just drawing herbs, or what?

I have much, much more to say but it's latelatelate right now and I'm tired and tomorrow I'm driving out to small town thrift stores with my cousin and her daughter! OOOHHH SO FUN!
bestbestbesttimes, guys!
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