presenting the photo-essay of my scratched cornea!
So the kitten scratched my cornea at about 4 in the morning and I didn't feel like dealing with it and it hurt a lot but I flushed it out with contact solution because I felt like that couldn't hurt (well, it physically hurt) because it was antibacterial. And then I went to sleep, assuming it would be better in the morning.
But it was not better and so the Cpt. and Nasty had to come and walk me to the hospital because I was crying and couldn't walk my damn self because my vision was severely limited. The bad part was that Nasty is ridiculously uncomfortable with eye injuries. Kind of ridiculous.

But yeah, so luckily the Bathurst hospital has an eye-specialist and stuff. And they didn't even make me feel shitty for coming in (I hate when doctors/hospitals do that - I'm seriously not trying to waste your time. ugh.)

But yeah, so they gave me a tetanus shot (which hurt my arm for a week afterwards, no exaggeration, way after my eye was fine) and then I had to wait for the doctor and let me tell you: there is very little to do when you're blinded and used to having sight.
Reading? People-watching? Knitting? Solitaire on the ipod?
Haha, oh yeah Cpt. asked if I needed anything and I said "juice. Any kind of juice. please."
And guess what he brought back? NOT JUICE.

Which I found hilarious for some reason. Especially given that then they had this whole jug of delicious real juice.

Just kidding, thanks Cpt. that punch was pretty delicious.
I felt badly for interrupting their picnic-bike-ride-date so I let them leave once I got taken in to wait for the doctor.
So nice of them to come with though...

The hospital bracelet matched my outfit which was good because otherwise I would've had to have refused to wear it.

The doctor finally came like 45 minutes later and he gave me numbing drops and went again again for awhile. Those numbing drops were like LITTLE MIRACLES on my swollen shut eyeball.
Then he came back and had many looks at it and then announced that I would be fine. And also that I was not allowed to have more numbing drops and that I'd just have to be in pain.
That's so mean!
I guess I needed to know if it hurt to know if it was getting better. Or some other garbage.

It hurt so much all afternoon, I just slept mostly.
The best part:

And now I'm fine! Eyes heal themselves very well. yay eyes!
Here are some photos from brunch with Dollface over a week ago!

Yes, I always wear the same shirt. Leave me alone.
I was practicing pretending to be a dance for some commercial audition I had that afternoon. It turned out to be belly-dancing. I had no idea.

Okay I know I always say this, but, man does Aunties have good soups. This mushroom business was particularly nice. Not too creamy just mushroom-meaty mmhmm yeah get into me.

DF and I had both had our hairs done recently. Our lives are EXCITING.

Now here are some pictures from when DF and I went and got shittered in a very short time at Baby Huey's. I am always obliterated at Baby Huey's. And the bathrooms always smell so, so badly.

I did 3 fake shots because I am not allowed to do shots because I'm a lightweight with proper limits.

But then I finally convinced myself/everyone that I should be allowed a real shot and then guess what? I immediately wanted to barf. Genius!

I didn't though.

I did wear Dollface's glasses for an obnoxiously long time and refuse to give them back. So that was fun.

I need to remember to drink less. For serious.
Yeah, so, Scamp, Twerp, and Dingbat are definitely kittens. And kittens are totally into doing awesome things like getting locked out of the apartment, knocking things over, leaving turds on the floor, running away from the litter box at top speed, chewing on my nose while I'm trying to sleep.
No, they are cute.
Sometimes they try to make out with me though.

Pretty gross!

They climb onto everything and wreck everything and knock everything down. It is very, very cute.

Jays home opener tonight!
I betting it'll be a shit-show. And I'm hoping to make all the dollar bills!