
more photos of kittens!!!!!!!

Yay! Cousin just fixed blog layout so the width-wise photos don't get cut off at the edge! No longer need to click through to see the whole thing of some of them.
Not that you noticed, but it sure has been bugging me for months! Thanks, favourite Cousin!

washing his sister

OMG kitten photo backlog like I cannot even explain to you. I edited and uploaded most of them, but they'll probably only make it over to here in parts.

haha, chicken legs in the air
chicken legs in the air
kitten sleep-pile

They've been sleeping in my drawers lately.. well, everywhere lately. They're like sleeping machines.

Poor Tilda is so harassed all the time. Kind of funny to me though, gotta say.

aw poor tilda
ah, the joys of motherhood
so tiny
bed sitters
They all look so innocent but they are not.
sometimes I dangle him in the air
Baby Bear ate my knitting (guess she decided that scarf was completed at just 5 inches in length) and then barfed up yarn for a day. Pretty fun.
don't bite my knee
oh hi in there
I swear I didn't put them in the box.
three kittens in a box
Oh lordy, how do they know how to be so cute?
awww boxful of cute
I seriously opened up that box (which is addressed to me!) and that's what was inside.
multiple cats-in-box

Okay, I'm thinking about getting dressed for the first time today... We'll see if that actually happens...
Cousin had her conference today and so I slept in until noon and then I did a whole lot of nothing for quite awhile. And it was Very Fun.