
do I have anything in my teeth?

all the diamonds are starting to fall off my phone how annoying I don't want a partially bedazzled phone I want an encrusted phone.
didn't mean to go out Saturday night, swear to god. I even chose my outfit based on what would be most comfortable to go walk the dog. Luckily it was a dress and I didn't look like a complete slob (only half way) because I ended up at Red Light with two turning into three separate groups of people I knew. I went there two nights in a row, actually. It's owned by the same people who run Sweaty Betty's and it's exactly the same as Sweaty Betty's except slightly closer to my house and not quite as packed and maybe less douchebags, but that'll change soon, I'm pretty sure.

I ran into ee's friends and one of them had drank a tonne and taken e (they called it x on my so-called life, does that mean that that's just another thing that americans do differently?) and he was fully drooling on himself kind of amusing. He was staring at my rack a lot and said something along the lines of "you have great breasts. can I touch them?" (WELL OBVIOUSLY IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE SO POLITE AND ASK LIKE THAT) and also I told him my friend thought he was a babe and he sort of lunged at me with "Well, What's she going to do about it!?" Amazing.
ee's deadpan friend was being very deadpan and he's funny he kind of makes fun of people under his breath. He hung out with me despite how I got very drunk and probably more than a little obnoxious.
Oh yeah I remember now, I was making fun of Shambers for so long and I felt real bad about it.. kind of. Except that Shambers is good looking and muscley and a lawyer and a weirdly talented artist and (I learned recently) also a closeted musician. And I thought his only talent was being obsessed with The Beauties at Dakota on Sunday nights.
Weird I just complimented Shambers a bit! I must feel bad.

Okay that was a funny shirt though, right?
(I don't know if he's putting that into his mouth, or taking it out...)
(also, Shambers' profile pictures on fb are always profiles, I was wondering why he was always turning away from the camera)
Yeah, hung out with Shambers and Cpt and Cheesepie on the balcony at my house -- didn't know I had a balcony? I don't, really.
There's a balcony on the second floor and the entrance is off the shared hallway but it's right in front of the bedroom windows of the second floor. Kind of awkward, especially if I don't know/like them. But that apartment is empty this month, they are redoing the bathroom, so it is alll mine.
We had drinks.
And then a storm came!!! I made a video about it but it was less impressive than I'd thought at the time. It just made me feel like a wimp. I love storms though, for sure.
Cheesepie and I hung out inside while it rained, but Shambers and Cpt. Heh braved it and probably almost died biking home in it.
Cheespie is a dancer so I made her learn the choreography for the zombie movie with me. But first I put on sweats so I would feel like a real dancer. Kind of worked.

Then Cheesepie had to go and be a go-go dancer at a bar. Awesome.

Oh my good good lord above I have such a backlog of photos from all kinds of places and I'm way behind on my story-telling. Oh the things I've seen.

Also. I still have zombie hands and zombie ears a bit and definitely zombie hair - it's so tangled and matted and crunchy with hairspray... and I'm feel way too lazy to want to sit and comb it out properly. I guess I will now have dreadlocks. I'm sure that's a wise career move.

Def more zombie photos and videos to come.

Still feeling quite down after the high that was yesterday. I have to learn how to deal with stress. Good stress or bad stress. I am bad at both.
I was kind of messy at Dakota last night. Not ridiculously drunk, just effed in the head a bit and so tired. I probably shouldn't have even gone but I have problems with limits and restraint and also where I was feeling happy I was feeling happier than ever.
I made Cheesepie do a bit of the zombie dance with me and I also got other ladies dancing like zombies and I took some sweet photos and jumped real high and pranced around in a really self-satisfactory (that's not quite the word/sentiment I want, but it's the closest I've got right now) way.

party artwork

These are some photos from the art party Cheesepie and I went to at Rolly's on Friday. It was kind of okay, especially the dance party that happened with Niki and the Cpt. later on. I liked the theme of the art which was "party table". Uh huh. Sounds like my life.

party party ceiling party
I like art that reflects life
art party
art goes on the floor
Lonely lady's last
("LONELY LADY'S LAST / don't be a Dinsmore / Love Again" What does that mean even??)

Uh oh I'm updating private blog in another window and I keep forgetting which I'm writing in. It would be awesome if I accidentally spliced sentences together like : I love being a zombie then we did it in the butt.