It definitely made me want to go on a date with her, I'll tell you that much for free.
"HE PEED ON A TREE. IN FRONT OF ME. WITH NO APOLOGIES." --- This is especially awesome for me because one babe I was seeing was very into peeing on pretty much everything. Okay, I get it, you are comfortable with your body you like pulling your penis out outside, awesome, don't pee all the time around me!
One time he was playing a show at a loft and he definitely told me about peeing off the roof into the alley. But we were all hanging out back there. What if you had peed on our heads?? He was pretty mad at me for being mad at him!
"I will facebook stalk you and look at all of your photos and imagine me in them. I will never, ever tell you this. And then on the next date I will kiss you so fucking hard your face will FUCKING SHATTER. CAN YOU DEAL WITH THAT SHIT?" --- this definitely sounds like the best date ever. Also I do so go through everyone's Facebook photos. So badly. I have my profile set to public so that people can easily do the same with my stuff -- I feel like that's fair and makes me feel like a bit less of a creeper. Sort of.
Also, Facebook makes it so easy to find everyone all the time. That's not my fault. Only know their first name? Suspect you have a couple of friends in common? So easy!
Now I've mostly spoiled that entry for you, have a read anyway.

I've missed one day of exercise so far.
Sad emoticon.
But considering how lazy I am, how I had a scratched cornea, how I never do anything, etc, that's still pretty good. I guess.

My arm still hurts from the tetanus shot I got when I went to the doctor.
It feels like a big bruise all over.
I'm glad you only have to get these every ten years or so. Oh, it was also for diptheria, so don't even try to give that too me because it for sure won't work ("and why should she die of diptheria when she came through influenza the year before? And what happened to her new straw hat, the one that should have come to me? Them's that took it done her in!" bonus if you know where that from and by bonus I mean blow j - yayayay)

My eye is completely fine now, in case you were wondering.

Saskatoon May 4th to the 11th!
Aaaand it was a mad seat sale! Round trip $300!
Usually it's around $500 so that's a big difference.
I'm only going for a week, usually I try to go for a bit longer, but I just can't take that much time off work. But I do need to be there for Killary's wedding. And to see the fam and the bffs, of course.
Still planning to also go back as well in August, I hope.
I'm also planning to book many gigs before then so that I have a billion dollars and then it is no worries all the time.

Also: New Status Cringe entries.
Best one, I think:
" ... thinking i need a tan i mean seriously i look like a marshmelly in disquize as a human girl hehehehehehehehe:P"
Pure Brilliance.

(I sunk your battleship)