
here we come a waffling

Oh my land it is beautiful out, like actually hot and sunny and I know that I need to get the hell out of this bed/couch and pull on a sundress and meet up with lovely ladies and maybe get a gluten free vegan muffin from urban herbivore and you know sunglasses are great for scoping babes incognito.

Yesss, out too late last night, who is having a big surprise about that one? I did kind of have a time though, in a way like not always the funnest but, you know. Sometimes the bits of sadness (not just in me, but the bits around) are kind of wonderful and maybe that's just me being me, but

I feel like the last entry was different than I was actually feeling, there's the troubles with writing prose as entries, it's not always truthful, just honest in terms of what I'd like to see typed out.

I've been very blocked up in terms of prose/poetry lately -- remember how I was supposed to make another zine about 2 years ago? yes, I miss it.
I still have copies of old ones, if you need/have never admired them. Let me know.

I need to remember that Niki knows about dance parties and that I love dancing. I keep on forgetting. Who ever thought that would happen to me? I should know better. I am disappointed in myself. I should know to keep it moving keep it moving.

Folding origami with notes or phone numbers is the cutest thing and people who don't appreciate that are ridiculous like I don't even understand.
One time I dated a supervisor at work (because I'M DANGEROUS AND LIVE ON THE EDGE LIKE THAT) and I got another work friend to deliver him a note-boat and let me assure you it was pretty adorable and he was definitely wooed. (haha first I wrote "wood")

You can steal that move, if you'd like -- I'm here to assist you in all things babe-related. Especially if you need a wingman (I am terrible at that, actually, holy wow I have so little patience for people sometimes) or if you need help selecting babes... I do have that finely-tuned scope-eye.

oh, yes, here, ee has a blog now ("transportation nerd babehunter and so much more"), you should read it too don't stop reading mine in favour of hers though. Please.

I was feeling a bit like photos were taking away from me actually writing actual things on here so I'm taking a breather for a tiny bit but I do have a backlog of photes for you like you would not believe -- especially some pretty awesome lolcats.

Tilda and the baby Bear have taken to sleeping in the crook of my neck behind my head, it is the most comforting thing. You can be jealous if you'd like to be.


When titling last night's entry I was planning to put "everything I say is the truth" or "everything I say is the tall tale" I guess I forgot to decide which it was...