I suggest if you pick a best friend, you should pick one who is not in law school. However, if you come across one like mine, you will be hard-pressed to not make her your BFF. Especially when she looks very beautiful (like always. I'm so shallow!).
Yeah, I saw that BFF today for brunchtimez.
There's really not enough time in brunch-time to talk about it all. Especially if you have dramz like I do. (I don't, really, come on, it's babe-break 2k9). But I don't see her enough and it's kind of tease to be reminded of why I like her like I do.

But we did have a nice brunch and talked about good things. And she says she's going to write a response to yesterday's video/today's entry.. But she also has exams coming up so soon.. So we'll see.

My favourite cousin (I can say that with impunity since I really am this close to only one cousin - and also, she's remarkably awesome) is coming to visit soon!!!

We're going to go to see one of my favourite voices play his residency at Tranzac (ugh, seriously what is it about his voice that makes me want to weep? I just visited this myspace and he has a new song up and it is so, so lovely. This is one CD that I cannot wait for. Soon!).
And I'm planning to bring her to Dakota. And shop in Chinatown and visit Kensington, etc. Exciting times!

Party all the time tonight with one of my friends who was so so freshly single. Now I'm home.. and I have to tell you, this place is lonesome sometimes. Empty and quiet.

Luckily there are baby kittens and a warm bed. The beautiful duvet cover does not hurt as well.

Yes, so I am considering coming off babe-break.... hopefully not just because this place is quiet and still...