
walking home through

the late night streets and queen and kensington put me in such a good mood tonight. It is sometimes the best with the quiet and the promise of empty sidewalks and the steady beat of my soles avoiding pavement cracks and unevenesses
strong and free with new tiny running-shoes that feel like absolutely nothing on my feet that feel like freedom for hoping and dancing that feel like a bend and an arch and reach are easy, appropriate.
It's hard not to dance a bit but who can, knowing it would be like some sort of show, obnoxiousness? Well, when the streets are clear with no eyes then maybe just a small hop? A quick pas-de-chat? Maybe.

Nick Rose at the Tranzac not this past weekend, weekend before. Took my cousin -- actually she came into town earlier specifically so we could go to see him. Yes he is that good.
blurrrr lights
nick rose sings lovely songs
Saw one of Sass's bffs there, and she had brought her mother and her grandmother and they both loved him. How perfect is that? Family affair.
nick rose tranzac party town
Mrs. and her BF came and we were all sitting together and after his set Nick was standing alone at the bar and Mrs was like "aw he's all alone -- but I guess that's what his songs are about". He did come and sit with us, but then we all ended up leaving at the same time, (to go to my BFF's birthday party) and left him all alone sitting at a big empty table with lots of empty glasses, in the middle of a packed room. I really should have taken a picture of that.
nick rose tranzac
only take blurry pictures
nick rose tranzac

Yes went to BFF's birthday party afterwards, I feel like I should be better friends with all of her friends. She's so busy with law school and the law school pack though, and I have my own partying to attend to... (yes, I realize I still owe you a gift)
It was fun though, and I didn't really talk to many people. Did eat chocolate cake and wonder at how many extremely tall people go to law school. And I do mean extremely tall. I seem to get involved with a great deal of people around 6'4 or 5 (which is too tall and I don't do it on purpose) but these guys were even taller! BFF's BF is 6'7 and there were guys there who were 6'8!
that guy was soooo tall
We tried to photograph them but they are stealthy like bigfoots. The picture above is my cousin with one of them. She is what, 5'9? So you do the math!!

Hah that reminds me, BFF and I were at another friend's house this weekend perusing their bookshelf and she was "ugh Kurt Vonnegut" and I was like "well he's not as annoying as Tom Robbins" and then she was all "I was just about to say that!"
Ah man, who wants to beef on this one?
To be fair I quite like things about both of those authors but also sometimes everyone should shut-up about them. Also to be fair, I like more than my share of bad books.

best door!
I still love this door/house on Palmerston. Who's with me?
I'm not sure if I'd rather live in this house or maybe just live across the street and get to enjoy the house..
I'm obsessed with this door

Guess What? Kittens
sleeping party
laptop and lapcat
little grey and me in grey

what's under there?

I made money tonight! It will never be enough, but it is something.
Tomorrow I get to work outside at night at the soccer pitch. Could someone please arrange for a miracle to it's a decent temperature and I don't freeze to death? Thank-you!!!