I'm sorry that it killed your boner, anonymous commentator. I was trying so hard to keep you hard...
b) I meant for that video to not be about much, just to be a bit funny. Classic fail.
c) I said that I didn't disagree with that he should pay, I didn't say that I agreed or that it was a criteria of mine, only that I could see a bit of a rationale in some respects/situations.
d) I'm kind of going to agree with the comment that says whoever did the asking on the date should be the first to offer to pay... Now that I think of it, I guess I was envisioning a situation where I'd be pursued and wooed and taken out on the town.
Although, I don't think that's ever happened to anyone I know. At least not by someone dreamy.
e) I guess mostly I feel like the guy should offer to pay because I'll offer to pay. And whoever ends up winning this little mock-argument , then, whatever, still shows that both parties are interested in the situation, in the company, in the care-taking.
f) SOLUTION: all dates must now have 2 parts in order that both people can treat each other. PERFECT. I will pay for drinks, you pay for the lap-dances we will get at the club. Thanks.
g) I'm certain that I have paid for first dates in the past and I honestly cannot remember who payed for what in any good dating situation I've been in. I wish I could so I could reference it, but I don't even know.
h) wow, I thought my joke about IUDs would go completely unnoticed, apparently not... EVERYONE needs to know more about birth control and also STIs. For certain.
I cannot believe that there is still information I'm learning about both of those things. And I thought I was well informed... I will say, in my experience (only my experience, not in the whole history of man), I've known more about these things than my partners.
j) I feel shitty about this video. I don't know how people deal with feeling so shitty about things like this all the time. I've had that sick feeling in my belly all day like I've done something wrong. I know I shouldn't be very worried about it, but I can't shake that feeling.
Yeah, I enabled comment moderation today. After last year's little incident with a pretty terrible blog troll I am even more worried/nervous/over-reactive about every sort of comment.
I am hyper-critical of everyone all the time and I'll be the first to say that I can dish it out but definitely can't take it.
Blogging is such an odd sport, it's one of the few places where people give you constant feedback as to what they're thinking about what you're doing.
And in the beginning it's virtually (ha) all your friends and so it's all positive and nice and it makes you want to keep going. But once you've attracted strangers then the floodgates are open to people who misinterpret what you are meaning, to people who dislike you based on looks, to people who do not have your sense of humour, to people who want to make sure you know which ways you are ugly, to people who are annoyed with you... and they can say whatever they'd like, with no consequences, with no counter-attack, without posting their thoughts for you to ciritque equally.
Even as a famous celebrity, you can choose not to read the tabloids, you can not read reviews, you can keep yourself in a bubble, to some degree at least.
As a blogger or as someone who posts their work online you are at the mercy of ANONYMOUS commentators who can be as mean as they'd like without regard to anything.
Now, obviously in some ways this is good. It's good to know that not everyone loves you and not everyone thinks you're great (man, do I know this...).
If the negative feedback is constructive, then I am all for it.
The internet is a strange, strange land.
Hell, when did it get to be 3:30 in the morning? I meant to be in bed by 2!
Tomorrow I'll go back to posting pictures of Dollface and writing about party-all-the-time or something equally as benign.
Like maybe about how I just saw this picture of a tattoo of snowflakes!

And now I really really want a similar (and much smaller and differently placed) tattoo right now!
(yes, I totally stole this off a friend-of-a-friend's FB... thanks blog-reader who will now see this and think I am odd!!)