I kind of wish it did. I find it very funny and pleasing.

And also a bit sexy. But I guess I would never be able to take people seriously with that hair. Should still try it though. I'm going to try and convince the Cpt. that this is his next hair move. Or maybe Tanner... yeah... we'll see!

(I don't really find this dude attractive. But there is something about his hair, that's for sure.)
I don't know why I'm including this picture of Beck but I feel like he changed my life. And he has pretty great hair.

I bought Oldelay from Columbia House (man, we were members of that "club" for way too long) in grade nine (I believe), mostly because I thought he was so cute. (Also in that shipment I bought Savage Garden and Backstreet Boys.)
I feel like it was the first good music I actually appreciated.
Aw Beck. Too bad you're a Scientologiest and you are married and have babies.
Sighs x 100.