
spring is springing


Cousin's leaving today. Should be on a plane at this moment, if all has gone according to plan.
We had Aunties and Uncles brunch today (the staple of my Toronto existence. For serious.) and it was so, so good. I'm still full from it. She had the omelet (leek, mushroom, havari - I think) and I had breakfast tacos with the hash and they gave me big sauteed button mushrooms in with the hash -- so good!
They've gotten into giving me pancakes for dessert whether or not I order them, pretty rad. I think my cousin was definitely very impressed with how I am so well-respected and kindly-treated and favoured around here (ha!).

We shopped along Queen for beaded appliquees for her belly-dancing costumes and also for rhinestones. I had such a hard time resisting buying many many things in these stores.
Especially all the pearls and giant diamonds. I just want all of them!

you're not a book!

Drinks at the hotel with her co-workers this afternoon. I had a pint of Budweiser holy gross. But it is a rice beer... gluten free? Hmm.
Left there a bit tipsy and walked in the sun for a good while.

I was wondering where you were
jeans, jeans, kitten, jeans

Ran into Graeme in the road. I always forget how much I like him. He stopped to talk to me for awhile. I thought it was because I'm wonderful and fun but I realize it was probably just so he could have a longer break from work.
He had just had his eyes x-rayed because he has to get an MRI but he used to be a blacksmith (wait, what? Why didn't I ask him more about that? that seems fun/weird.) and maybe he has shards of metal imbeded in his eyes and MRIs act like giant magnets, and, well, yeah... it could end badly.
Then he made fun of me for making a big deal about my scratched eye-ball.
Hurt my feelings inside.

(Little Grey made himself right at home in my cousin's bag. Quite quickly, too, she went to pick it up to go out shopping, but first had to remove the little furry addition.
Shoulda taken him with us, probably.)
what's in the bag?

Yeah, so, wandered in the sun a bit more -- so delicious. Not to sound like every other Torontonian today, but, man is it nice out. Then I stopped at the liquor store, just in case, ya know? and now I'm home and I have a kitten asleep on my chest.
They give off so much heat. And are so cute. In case you didn't notice.

aww preddi
I really should take my photos that illustrate how tiny these little dudes are. Pretty tiny tiny little guys.

Their eyes are starting to change colours, kind of neat. Almost have most of their eyes on straight.

chilling with kitten bros

I'm into doing glamour photo-shoots with them. Up next, boudoir. Fair warning.

glamour shot

I'm trying very hard to resist having a nap right now, but I'm not sure how this is going to end. I've been sick this whole cousin-visit with a bad chest-cold and I'm feeling a bit worn down.
And the sun is coming in and warming this whole place up and I want to make like a cat...