And judging from the Craigslist missed connections, I'm not the only one.
I did meet one babe there once.
We made eyes at each other in the arts section of the top floor of the Frances Morrison branch, he was looking at books on sculptures and I was looking at books on crafts.
I had to go to catch my bus but first I stopped in the lobby to call Killary to ask "I think maybe I should meet this guy, what should I do?"
and she said I should stay to see what happens.
So I missed my bus and went upstairs and read in one of the chairs and he passed by a couple of times, after meeting up with the girl he was with.
Finally, on his way out he looked at me, lagged behind the girl a little on the stairs and then dropped a piece of paper.
Unfourtunately at that moment an older woman was coming up the stairs and she was like "you dropped something" and he was like "no I didn't" and she said "no, you did, it's right there" and forced him into picking it back up.
He paused again with it and waited for her to go on and then purposefully threw it back down and then left quickly.
I, of course, ran to the paper and picked it up, sure enough:
"You seemed so intriguing, I didn't want to pass you by. Call if you wish." With his name and phone number written on. I'm sure I still have that note somewhere, should've scanned it in for you...
I've told that story too much, I remember it exactly.
I called him that night. Because I'm a big dork. And we talked quite a bit forever and we ended up hanging out a couple of times, but nothing ever came of it.
He was good on paper but I was so hung up on Toad (this was before we ever got involved)...
Also, he talked way, way too much about bongs and weed and more weed and people wrecking his stuff and whatnot. I just wasn't feeling it.
Now I don't even believe in love so really, it doesn't even matter where I meet people.
Just Kidding.
Oh yeah, p.s. - April 1st is the 26th anniversary of my conception!
Congratulations Mother on having had the courage to get inseminated and make me!
I turned out not warped at all and very great!

Oh Also April 1st is the 5th (? already???) anniversary of me living in this apartment! Wild!

That is pretty hard to believe though... Wow.
I still kind of love it too much, too. And I can't really imagine leaving it. Only when I have to, I guess.