

Ah, kind of strange how I'm pretty upset about how ee is going back to Edmonton tomorrow -- wish she had gotten that transfer and was moving here forevers.
She and I are strangely similar in interactions and needs and opinions on people. Leads to funny situations where we just make deadpan faces at each other across crowded tables but yet know exactly what we both are thinking. And then make giant jokes about it later. Perfect.
Also, she seriously kills me in her straightforwardness and comments - so funny funny. Hard to explain but she's the kind of person who just says exactly what she is thinking to whoever happens to be nearby. People she knows or complete strangers.
Weirdest? We just realized that we went to kindergarten together! She moved to another school the next year but totally Mme. Boyle's kindergarten. How wild. I'm going to have a look at all mum's photos from that time to see if I can find vintage ee.
Welcome to Saskatoon.
(that we we say whenever there's too many coincidences and overlaps -- mostly pertaining to intimate relations, but I feel like it can be used pretty much everywhere)

I'm very lucky, you know?
I know some of the best people.
Tonight ee and I met up with so many babes including my BFF and other ridiculous dreamboats (chees you want to choose your own alias?) and it was like "how are there so many babes in this room right now and no hunks to hit on all of us?"
We hit up the new place on Ossington, Watusi(?), and it was alright.. kind of older dudes younger girls, kind of yuppie.. then we fully went to Bistro and had pitchers of mixed drinks (YES PLEASE) -- 4 oz. for $12 = downfall, except ee and I had been drinking since dinner at 6 at Fressen (great food, great atmosphere and some of the rudest servers I have ever experienced in my natural born life).
I feel as if I've been drinking too long to actually experience drunkeness. No, wait, probably just forgot what it feels like to be sober.

Aw, summer, so excited for you!
Hoping it'll be like the white-bike-under-streetlights summer and like the pinched-cherries-from-your-roommates summer. Hoping it'll be about loving and care-taking.
That is completely totally what I am planning and preparing for. So glad!

Do not want to go to work again tomorrow morning - tell you that much for free...