
ticked off o'clock


I still don't think I really understand Twitter. I mean, I do. I get it, I just also don't use it to its full potential. But I've downloaded TweetDeck, and that's helping. Anyway, obviously searched "JTT" and "Jonathan Taylor Thomas" because, well, what else would I search?

I came across a twitter profile which makes like it is JTT's real twitter site twitter.com/jontaylorthomas
a) Really you think JTT is still going by JTT?
b) if it is him he is not very funny at all and not someone I'd like
c) he's bit racist/offensive/too much information
d) he loves bacon (if JTT is no longer a vegetarian, does this mean I have to start eating meat again, too???? not that it would surprise me if anyone started eating meat again, I mean most people grow out of this phase. Or at least that's word on the street.)

Wow my life is fun.


I'm getting pretty T.O.ed at Facebook right now. So what if I don't want my name capitalized (killary, how did you get yours lowercase? I don't remember how I did mine now..)? I should be allowed to write it how I'd like. Also, I should be able to put whichever name I'd like. Only allowing your full "real" name? Dumb.

I get pretty mad when people get in the way of my jokes.

(ha, awesome movie star hair.)

Lately I keep sort of second-guessing myself here, and censoring/backing off jokes that I think are funny or wondering if what I'm writing is what I mean, or what I want people to think I mean.
Wondering how much manipulation of people's ideas of me I'm trying to do...
Pretty annoying, I'll tell you that much for free.

Cpt. thinks I'm extra nutso because I admit to it too much/write about it too much.

I'm pretty sure I'm pretty funny occasionally in private blog and I feel sad that you don't get to enjoy it so I may or may not start quoting myself.