So I'm into only taking really blurry photos, I hope you like them because that is all I like these days better settle in for the ride. Or something, what?
These are from last weekend, sorry I'm such a terrible updater. You're going to have to go ahead and blame my cousin, she is in town visiting until Wednesday and we are busy being Big City Ladies and whatnot.

At Lakeview Lunch (before the bar, for once), I was in an awesome mood, who even knows why, but when it happens, I love getting into it.

Even though it was windy and cold that was no good. We did not like that. Sad emoticons.

We went to Dakota, but I think it was Friday and it was not nearly as fun as Tuesday, different sort of crowd, nooooo babes anywhere, pretty remarkable.

(haha, look what's still up behind the bar)
We headed'r down to Loving In The Name Of (was that even what it was called?) at Gladstone and it was waaay better, wished we'd been there all night. I showed off some sweet (embarrassing) dance moves, including one that was mostly just like limbo-ing all over the place. Pretty sexy.
Man, okay I have to go meet my cousin because she went for lunch without me, and then I have to go work - last Raptor game of the season and then Dakota party time, gotta show my cousin a good time (if you know what I mean).
Many funny jokes to tell you I don't have time this second, but at some point, I promise.
Happy Easter!
Happy discount chocolate next week!