

Oh hello photoblog.

When I register a domain for this blog is should be:

a) ohmistletoe.com
b) meredactyl.com
c) maredeath.com
d) www.seemybum.com
e) outtoolate.com
f) specialust.com
g) ridiculust.com
h) ridiculist.com
i) worthwhileheart.com
j) themistletoe.com

Oh wait. Actually I decided already. Just now. But it's none of those.

I'm hungry.

You know what?
I'm pretty overly-critical of everyone and everything. And I can be mean. And I definitely say it when I don't like something.
I think that I appreciate actual good humour a lot more than most people.
I will laugh at a good joke for years.
And repeat other people's jokes/stories (with due credit) for weeks.

I keep meaning to email one of my highschool friends to tell her about which jokes of hers I'm still enjoying.

I've been training new people at the chill and this poor guy is around every time I tell my same story to new people. I must seem like the boringest person around. Just repeat repeat repeat.
He says he's going to start his own blog: secondhandmeredith.com
His friend has a crush on one of my friends and he told me that she likes this duder because he likes both comic books and video games. It's very, very hard to find a boy who likes those things. You know what else this duder likes? Movies! And he reads books! And he breathes - in and out and then in and out again!

By fluke/luck I have nothing that I have to do today.
So I've wasted all my life on the internet.
But also not wasted, really.
Working away.
Because I'm productive.

sophia says dance

the cow i got for the chill
I bought this cow in Saskatoon, for the chill. There are over one hundred cows at the big chill.

favourite cow
This is my favourite cow. Because it's the ugliest. Whoever made this cow is nutso. Too bad you can't see that she's wearing pink stilettos over lime-green socks. WTF?

sophia in glasses!
Looks like her face is messed up somehow.

Today I am not living in Awesometown and I'm a little bit nervous about all that money. Too bad for me!