
me + jtt = happiness forever

I'm the weirdest. And I constantly run potential matches compatibilites with me via astrology.com. Because I'm nutso.

Now, I have never, ever, ever, not once, had a positive "couples reading". Some were vaguely passable, some surprisingly close to what actually ended up happening.
Whatever. I don't believe in any of this junk (or at least I like to think I don't).

But check out my sample couples reading with Jonathan Taylor Thomas

Sun Conjunct Venus

This aspect signifies that you just plainly love each other. The attraction is so strong between you that even though you may be incompatible by other standards, you still feel like being with your partner because of that love you feel for them. It's not that they won't occasionally drive you nuts - they will. It's just that the bottom line is that there is real love between you and there is no stronger emotion in the universe.

By being together you can create beauty and form as well as appreciate art and music. Your home can easily be filled with "treasures" that reflect the talents you have. But as always with Venus, be careful of overindulging in the good things of life so they do not become a noose around your neck instead of an object of desire. Remember, the more things you have, the more trouble you are likely to have. You will not mind showing off what you have accrued together, but vanity can become an undesired side effect of this aspect if it is not kept in check.

Avoid hiding any difficulties in your relationship and bring them out in the open so they can be resolved or at least recognized in order to avoid major problems down the road. You may also be drawn to speculative ventures with this aspect, so just remember to be practical in your expenditures.

With this configuration, no matter what difficulties come along to challenge you, you will always feel a need and desire to make peace, reconcile and create harmony and cooperation in your relationship. This aspect offers a great stability that will keep you from turning against each other, unless the obstacles become totally overwhelming.

A great deal of time and effort can be put into social activities and if you are involved in creative ventures together, then this aspect adds support and form to your ideas.

Sun Sextile Mars

As a couple, you will be active, energetic, courageous and able to accomplish a great deal. You will find that just being in each other's company energizes you and inspires you to try and excel even more. Sports, physical activities and outdoor pursuits will be your strengths and you will find that you do very well in them.

You naturally inspire each other and become each other's confidence-builder, gently pushing the other to be more assertive. Not only do you support each other, but you take pride in each other's work, accomplishments and achievements.

Because this is such an energetic configuration, the sexual side of your relationship may tend to rejuvenate you over and over again. This an excellent aspect for business and personal partnerships. As a couple, you seem to know the right course or path in life to take together and don't mind taking it. Any emergency situations that arise will be handled efficiently and with level-headed assurance, thus helping you stabilize each other and giving you tremendous strength.


Too many people I want to see tonight!
