
#100 (good work team me)

ai hi yi

too nice out to be at the computer right now. But too bad for me. Have to go to work, which seems unfair since I would rather patio all the time. That's the new motto for summer. Patio All The Time!

Some minutes this seems like the most exciting time of my life and then everything is just too over-whelming.
I am working beyond too much. The Big Chill stuff is taking over. All the work like quick phone calls/emails I have to get done, it just eats away at my time. That plus having two actual other jobs... whoa.
I'll be beyond excited to get away for a week to go home. For realz.
I kind of want to look into extending my trip a tiny bit.. there's no Jays games for awhile there, and that's my only real commitment.
Though now with a new boss... who the fuck knows? So freaking crazy.
The scheduling for the dome before has always been done through sucking up and brown-nosing. Through whining to get what one wants, through offering our boss gifts, etc. (I don't even think I'm exaggerating here..).
Never through actual proper scheduling procedures. I wonder if I'll still be able to work every game. I've never been good at sucking up. I get good shifts there because I work hard, am always on time, and am always available. I don't complain, and I get my shit done.

I told the boss at Octapus last night that it was my birthday and where was my birthday party. He gave us all birthday shots.. even though he knew it wasn't realllly my birthday. Pretty rad.
I didn't stay and get drunk though. Too tired for that noise. Just went by to check in with The Girls. I call that particular group The Girls, which is funny because they are the most womanly that I know..

I had a pretty decent night's sleep last night. For the first time in too long. That is part of my problem lately.. it leads to extreme irritability. I'm planning for more hours of the same tonight. If I'm lucky. Which I must be.