

I woke up at ten and then had a nap at one. I'm exhausted these days. I even slept through the construction they're doing on the attached roof.
I didn't get any of the stuff done that I should've.


So frustrated with everything around me at this exact moment.
Life's messy

I'm maybe just not very good at improv. It's hard to tell. I wasn't really into it last night. Actually, I really was, but then I just faded fast. Maybe only due to how tired I was. But I'm having little patience for it. Making whole stories is kind of tiring.
Maybe I'm more cut out for game-style improvs.

I do like the drinking after improv though. We didn't stay as long as we usually do last night. I guess some people have "day jobs" that require early rising.. but still.
Wings are possibly the grossest food I've seen. Just saying.
It was brought up last night that our days as a class are coming to an end.. it'll be strange when that happens. I kind of like this group.

Talked to one of my BFFs yesterday while I was in Shoppers. She's doing theatre school in Montreal right now. I hadn't talked to her in forever so I couldn't get off the phone but I also couldn't go through the check-out while I was on the phone, so I wandered around and came up with more and more things to buy while I was speaking to her.

I have a tiny bit of money right now, so I'm into buying things I'll need eventually so that when I'm broke I'll be thankful I did. Things like contact solution, tampons and nail polish. Because nail polish is a necessity.

I can spend more money in Shoppers than anywhere else, I think.

I'm considering changing my rap name. To something a little more manageable...

Holy hell did I manage to get exactly nothing accomplished today!