
it's like a pizza... a pizza made of candy and ice cream!

still in love with my bidness cards. So hard. So, so hard. I gave out a lot to my co-workers. My boss said "What does a Professional Dreamboat do exactly?" and I said "Just hangs out being rad, mostly"

So true.
Actually, now I can fer sure not talk about work on here because they'll all be crawling over this.. Hello co-workers!!!
I am a good worker and a good person and not a slacker and I love doing a good job and stuff

Too bad, I was going to list off my work crushes in order of height.

I go through phases (and moods) where I don't blush at all and then I go through phases where I blush when it even occurs to me to blush. Lately I've been spending at least 3/4 of the day pinker than a pig. I don't really know what that's about.
The funniest is when I'm blushing because I think that someone thinks that I have a crush on them. It's not that I do, indeed, have it for them, it's that I think they think I do. Wild.
Some blushing is appropriate though, like when I see that (nearly-married) co-worker with whom I had a drunken staff-party conversation about how "fantastic" my breasts are.. that's fair to redden about

They are though

This weblog has too much foul language and inappropriate content. I am constantly getting found by porno searchers.

The skydome's food/beverage company got bought out and so now I am employed by someone new, I guess - but with the same bosses. I have to go for re-training tomorrow. 6 hours worth, apparently. Gross me out the door. I hope there's coffee and treats and pizza! And maybe Treatza Pizza!!! (I forgot about treatza pizza until this instant, so good)

When you say 'MRC' (my initials) quickly it almost sounds like 'Mercy'...

I like the warmth of his voice. And the nicknames and his answering the phone with "hi cute girl", which I counter with "don't call me that". I like notes ended in XO and his hands on my hips as we greet each other

These things don't really make up for all that's wrong.. but I can sometimes pretend like they do

I still smell of chlorine