

Now, there are some packages I care for more than others...
(ew Meredith)

care-packages from my mother (few and far-between) are my favourites!

- Tins
- Ginger cookies
- Chocolate
- The Tale of Two Bad Mice (haha I almost bought this for myself the other day)
- pink sweater
- black dress
- my favourite plate that I forgot
- pretty blue and white bowl


If only there were somewhere not infested with critters to put all this stuff.
I already ate 7 cookies.

I'm ignoring my disaster-state this afternoon. Had an audition and work to do for The Chill. And that was enough. Maybe tonight I will get back at 'er. After work I mean. Christ.

I'm feeling more rational about life today though. Slightly.

Mumma says that when you feel like your life is unbelievably shitty that just means that the universe is planning something majorly great for you.
Come on Universe! I want a series!

Went to check out my friend's new coffee shop this afternoon. They're doing construction on it, due to open in a couple of weeks. Pretty rad. I'm excited to have a venue owned entirely by someone I know. I think it's going to be pretty neat. Who wants to go for coffee???

The next Et Puis? launch might happen there (!!!!!).. presuming I ever write that damn booklet.

Sure don't want to go to work today!!!