
The idea of a "personal" blog is kind of ridiculous

Entire Cities CD release last night. Pretty fun. Highlights included:
- the best kalimba playing I've seen
- a rousing Radiohead cover involving a whole stage full of people and a very, very raspy voice
- hearing all my Entire Cities favourites again (it's been too long)
- exercise trampoline jumping (never shake a babe!)
- pretending to interview my friend about the ice cream job (too many hilarious fake interview questions)
- $3.50 bottles of 50
- my beard of 50 labels
beard made of 50 labels
it's like that first time I drank beer
so gross
Entire Cities

Apparently my favourite beast, Supertruck, is kicking the bucket. It's been a long time coming and he's served us all remarkably well.. but it will be weird to not have him to take care of me when I'm home.
I love driving. I love driving standard. I love driving Supertruck. Sigh.

I love Saskatchewan. In case you were wondering.

Today is stupid-busy but then I have three days off in row (with not too many social commitments)!
I'm planning a SUPER-SPRING-CLEANING. Like you would never even believe I am capable of. I am going to wash everything in this room. I am throwing everything out. I am not joking. I am paring down my life in any way possible (well, trying at least). Luckily Tuesday is garbage day because I am going to have stuff to get rid off. For real.
My goal is four garbage bags full of stuff for Value Village.
We'll see.

I'm going to take everything out of my apartment and try and seal off any possible mouse-entrance. And then set up a billion traps. And get rid of them. I believe it is possible. I have faith!

And I'm going to buy new furniture. It's been decided.