
hopefully tonight is less dramatic.. or at least more humorous

I'm tired!

The worst is when the cops break up a house party, your friend who invited you is AWOL, there's no good food in the vicinity, the transit system is on strike... aaaaand there's no more parties to go to. Looks like one should get out on the town before midnight, so that when 2 rolls around, home actually seems appetizing.

All things considered, I kind of had fun yesterday. I think going to house parties where I don't know anyone is kind of funny. Boys are ridiculous, though. Holy. One of the dudes that were trying to hit on Sass and I actually, technically, physically, ruffled my hair!
Holy irritating.
And another was getting up in my grill so, so badly when I wouldn't repeat my name a hundred times for him. Goddamn charming.

Don't have time for diary writing at all.
Have to get to the partying all the time some more. That's how I roll.

Oh yeah.
And there's a possibility I might be performing in an improvised comedy show tonight. AAAIIII.
