
I hit you in the face last night, I'm glad you didn't wake up, that would've been awkward

these are actually my prescription (or close)
I've never been hotter.

I bought these glasses yesterday at Value Village. They seem to be my prescription, I'm going to be wearing them because I am a hipster. They have a tendency to make babes associating themselves with me very mad "Take those off, I'm going to punch you if you wear them"

Got to meet two of Sass's friends last night. They came out to a show with me. I really liked both of them a whole lot. Mostly because they were such big fans of mine. Probably because I'm famous. No, but some of the jokes we were making with seriously murdering me. I like fun girls!
We all put on my new glasses and took pictures but Sass hasn't posted them yet. Don't worry, hilarity will, indeed, ensue. For real.


I'm so nutso.
I need time alone like I've never needed anything before, but I am unable to do it.
I am beyond sad and home-sick but blocking it off.

I can't stop being social and there's too much to do. This leads to me being beyond over-the-top and excitable. Or irritable.
I have a hard time going home once I'm out. Plus this house is too much of a disaster to spend any time in. Gross.

My poor friends. Seriously. I don't know why anyone puts up with the bullshit I come out with. I'm constantly getting my hopes up, building things up in my head, convincing myself, convincing everyone, and then getting let down.. having things fall through. Must be frustrating to watch me do it
Sigh sigh sigh

The boys I know are not like men, I do not need to excuse their behaviours with "that's just what men do" "boys will be boys" "he's just being a guy", etc, etc..
So when I encounter a man (negative attributes implied) who acts like one.. I'm at a loss on how to deal
Communication breakdown is also exceedingly mind-blowing.
I wonder if it's curable...

Holy Sexy!!!