
monday is like my weekend

"I bet you shop at Dominion, don't you? I'm going to come pick you up some time and take you to the No Frills..."

aw, the romance

Oh god I bought so many groceries. I don't know what I was thinking.. except about how much I hate carrying things home usually. I don't even have a full-sized fridge! And now it's full

I'm a bit on edge today and sort of over-emotional, little things make me want to weep into my soup
but I'm happy still
oh yeah

I'm smiling a lot

Party-all-the-time-to-the-extreme week/end. I was so happy to sit at home for a bit this afternoon, painting my toenails and watching bad TV...
Even when I'm exhausted I can't stop the body rock. I mean, what if people were out having a good time without me?

Like tonight, I'm exhausted but I'm sure going to improv and then definitely going for beer and then probably staying out way later than I should, because I have bad limits. Yeah huh.