
Well, now I've done it...

Today I went to Awesometown. In Awesometown you get to buy things and not feel guilty about them! Yayayaayay Awesometown!


So excited.


I got two (!) new pairs of glasses (the first in years and years) aaand new contacts!
I still have the same prescription, which is rad, I can just keep buying more and more glasses and keeping the old ones still.
new glasses!
brown ones!

new glasses!
clear ones! (haha they're sort of like those ones I got from VV except passably fashionable)

I got to pick out a free pair of sunglasses with my contact lens purchase. There was a whole wall of the ugliest sunglasses I've ever seen in my natural born life, none that were even remotely legitimately "nice". So I picked the raddest of the bad.
Yeah huh.

Here is a hint at what else I bought today :

tiny street
(view from Sass's office building)
(magnolia trees surprise themselves with the full blooms)
office window
(I am part ghost)

Digital SLR Dreamboat new son of mine, light of my life, tiny robotic love machine

I have never been this excited over an electronic thing before. Not even my computer.. not that I don't love my comp because I surely do.. but.. this beast is so beyond rad.

Got such a good deal on him too. And the camera guy was beyond helpful.
Canon Rebel XTi
50 mm lens
I'm going to get a kit lens when they get a used one in, I bought this lens new but it wasn't thaaat much and I like the size of it, it's comparable to the lens I generally shoot with on my film SLR.


I'll be at the Big Chill tonight, come by so I can take your picture pls thnx.

So ridiculously happy.